Saturday 2 February 2008


Current mood: TAXI FOR MR GIOVANNI!!!!
Category: TAXI FOR MR GIOVANNI!!!! Music

It's a pain in the fucking ass isn't it????

Yes boss, if I had a punch in the face for each time I've ballsed up a good creative money making opportunity due to bad PR, my face would be so battered you'd think it was a fucking bleeding turnip...

Now, this isn't to say I throw water in peoples faces, or scream 'FUCK YOU COCKSUCKER!!!' at will (that's merely one of my dreams - indeed had I have YELLED!!!! a bit more often, I might have been a good deal richer and more successful by now..)

No, I generally simply go quiet at crucial moments, or drift off and away onto Planet Paul.

Other times, I get a good lead in and then become borred with the person or project and start looking into how and why a certain lampost is leaning at a 37 degree angle??? Did a car hit it - or was it a bus?? Who was on that bus???? Were they reading the newspaper or talking on the damn phone?? And who in the hell was on the other end of that phone??????


Sometimes, I have to wonder about my desire for success, fast women and BIG $£$£$£$£$£....

But I counter my brief lack of faith with the knowledge that I learnt how to write on the back of writers who lived a little before they hit their name into the big spangling lights...

Yes boss, in nearly every case, any writer who burns at age 25 is brunt out and forgotten by 35, and condemed to a life of literary parties. Meanwhile those who are worthwhile and remembered, often hit the peaks much later on...

It's therefore my opinion that if you're gonna write accurately, you have to know a thing or two about a thing or two before you seriously pick the pen up. You have to move around and about and get the angles. You have to mix and watch and match things together...

And day by day I'm getting closer....

Currently listening :
The Mozart Effect - Music for Babies - Playtime to Sleepytime
By Leopold Mozart
Release date: By 13 October, 1998

23:56 - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Christopher Nosnibor

Hell yeah, you gotta live, and also spend time observing the details - the bent lamp-posts etc. - to do the job properly.

Posted by Christopher Nosnibor on Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 08:48
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