Saturday 2 February 2008


Current mood: AND DON’T FORGET OUR WAGES!!!!
Category: AND DON’T FORGET OUR WAGES!!!! News and Politics

Greenpeace Protects Japanese Whalers from Sea Shepherd

The Greenpeace ship Esperanza has stopped chasing the Japanese whaling factory ship the Nishiin Maru and is heading back to New Zealand.

Sea Shepherd 2nd Officer Peter Hammarstedt called Greenpeace Campaign Leader Karli Thomas on the Esperanza to request the position of the Nishiin Maru. She responded by saying that it was not necessary for Sea Shepherd to have the coordinates for the Niishiin Maru because the Oceanic Viking would continue documenting the activities of the factory ship to carry on the work that Greenpeace has been doing.

In other words, asked Mr. Hammarstedt, "you aren't interested in Sea Shepherd preventing the killing of whales now that you've left?" Ms. Thomas responded by saying that Greenpeace had no intention of cooperating with Sea Shepherd and then hung up.

From the beginning of this campaign, Sea Shepherd has tried to cooperate with Greenpeace. Sea Shepherd provided coordinates to Greenpeace last year for the whalers and provided the coordinates to the catcher boats this year. Sea Shepherd also offered to share the Sea Shepherd helicopter with Greenpeace. All attempts to cooperate on a united front to protect whales have been rebuffed by Greenpeace.

"I really have to question just what is Greenpeace's motivation in coming down here year after year." Said Captain Paul Watson. "Their campaigns are always more of the same, buzzing about in rubber boats, hanging banners and filming whales being killed. Things have changed dramatically since Sea Shepherd has been intervening. Whales don't die when we show up. Instead the whalers run and they keep running. The whalers have never run from Greenpeace before and they were not running from them this year either. Even the whalers have admitted they have been running from the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin."

What the general public is not aware of is the massive fund-raising advertising campaign that Greenpeace runs every year to raise millions of dollars for a campaign they spend only a fraction of that money on. In addition to television ads Greenpeace has bought the online advertising rights to major newspapers, to Google and other media sites. Whenever anyone clicks on a whale story up pops an ad asking for donations to be sent to Greenpeace.

"This is all well and good," said Captain Paul Watson, "but with the amount of revenue Greenpeace is bringing in why are they leaving for the season? They should get up to the nearest port, fill up their fuel tanks and get back down to the Southern Ocean and continue their campaign. The whalers will be down here for another two months. Plenty of time to refuel and return. But they won't do it. They have their pictures and they have their story and that is fuel enough to generate a fund-raising program for the rest of the year."

If Sea Shepherd had the resources, the Steve Irwin would refuel and return but the annual Sea Shepherd budget of 2 million dollars is very small in comparison to the budget of Greenpeace which is in excess of one hundred million dollars.

"We will do everything we can with the resources we have but I can tell you this," said Captain Watson. "If we had a fraction of the Greenpeace budget we will have two ships down here from the beginning of the whaling season until the end.

The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin continues to pursue the Japanese Catcher vessels in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The Japanese ship Fukoyoshi Maru No. 2 continues to tail the Steve Irwin to keep the fleet posted on the Steve Irwin's position."

"Because of this spy vessel tailing us we will not be able to close in on the whalers but we can continue to chase them and keep them on the run and if they are running they won't be whaling." Said Captain Watson

Currently listening :
Beyond the Sea/The New Limelight
By Frank Chacksfield
Release date: By 20 July, 2004

01:24 - 8 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


fuckin whales.

Posted by maryJane on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 03:25
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If only they knew the trouble they caused...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 10:30
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La Paloma, the Queen of Infinity

sometimes i imagine earth from outer space and it is things like this that make me giggle.

Posted by La Paloma, the Queen of Infinity on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 16:46
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Captain Paul Watson (founder and main man of the Sea Shepherds) was a founding member of Greenpeace. His membership card was number 007...

He got cheesed off with Greenpeace being unwilling to get their hands dirty so he set up Sea Shepherds...

Sea Shepherds like to sink and damage the whaling boats rather than just whizz about in dingies looking good...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Monday, January 28, 2008 at 17:14
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The Cupid Kinkyboots Fan Club

Greenpeace is a phony organization whose main interest is raising money for itself. Most of the people who work for the organization spend their time canvassing for funds and don't do any environmental work at all. Any Greenpeacer care to challenge my assertion? Step right up, I'm ready to take you on.

Posted by The Cupid Kinkyboots Fan Club on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 04:00
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For my sins, I've had plenty of dealings with the inside workings of these kinda groups over a period of years and I know exactly how they work...

The problem with charities when they get this size is their first concern becomes their assets, their employee's, their career prospects and their mortgages if they get sued to fuck for ramming a whaling boat...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 11:00
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The Cupid Kinkyboots Fan Club

Yes. The organization gets to the point where it seeks to perpetuate itself rather than solve it's core issues. After all, if it did that, everybody would be out of a job...

Posted by The Cupid Kinkyboots Fan Club on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 17:35
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Amnesty have built a brand new shiny HQ not far from Fish Island..

Each time I walk past, I think..

'There sure as shit is a lot of money in Torture these days..'

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 17:59
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