Wednesday 13 February 2008


Current mood: SHE’S A WITCH!!!!!
Category: SHE’S A WITCH!!!!! Religion and Philosophy


I read today, that a bunch of Danish newspapers have pulled together and reprinted the infamous cartoons of Mohammed that caused such ire upon initial publication…

About bleeding time!!!

I mean, what was going on with all that??

There was half of the western world at war and BLOWING THE LIVING SHIT out of the muslim world with LARGE FUCKING BOMBS – whilst, no-one in the western media had the balls to reprint a bunch of cartoons incase they caused offence?!?

Once again the craziness of the world is there for all to see in glorious plain Technicolor

And once again the lack of balls possessed by the mass media was on clear display..

Personally, I don't have any problem with Islam or it's followers, anymore than I do any other religion or it's followers, but I really do think it's time the radicals chilled the fuck out.

Yes boss, in the very main, todays Christians have managed to not threaten hellfire brimstone each time someone dresses up as the pope (and thank god for that)

So isn't it about time our Muslim friends did likewise? Isn't it time they realized the clock is ticking on their religion just as much as it is on everyone else's? That their eternal life isn't gonna be anymore secure if they laugh at a joke or not?? That there's a much wider world out there, than the one dictated and outlined by their Imans??

I watched Monty Python & The Holy Grail last night and was reminded about the genius of the Monty Python films. Their careless regard for the sacred, and who might get offended or be insulted, was and remains truly admirable and way ahead of it's time. They had guts to tread on those kind of toes when they did..

Furthermore, I reckon those films did more to discredit and humour organized religion than Richard Dawkins has ever managed – and to make the whole thing so fucking funny into the bargain was proper genius..

I mean imagine an Islamic parody like The Life Of Brian?!?

The Life of Allan??


So, here are the infamous cartoons anyway…

See, that didn't hurt did it?

Currently listening :
Life of Brian (Expanded Edition w/ Bonus Tracks)
By Monty Python
Release date: By 06 February, 2007

15:01 - 8 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


well well well, after having some fun with that radohead argument, (and to be honest i was starting to feel guilty of constantly bombarding your blog, when i should be making tunes, or love). you dump this turd on my concience.
i could spend the next two hours writing a thesis on this, including the complete vicious history of these cartoons (they are like, 8 years old now) but i think that this cartoon can pretty much say it all.

Posted by KvKvG on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 23:11
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I didn't know they were 8 years old...

What's the story...??

And what the hell is this other cartoon all about???

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 23:19
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Ok, you asked for it...

this other cartoon is called the 'eternal Jew' it accompanied a film of the same name, which i believe was shown in germany around 1940...before the holocaust, but we'll get back to that later.

The allah cartoons, were origionally printed in a few europian newspapers around 6-8 years ago (maybe older) Their was little or no violence in the reaction, but the papers were apprached by muslim clerics who explained the signifcance of the images. (as you probally already know, to draw or replicate the image of allah or uhammed is forbidden. so for him to be portayed as a suicide bomber was deeply upsetting, not just to extreemists, but to muslims as a whole). The papers apolgised and withdrew the cartoons.

After 9/11 the cartoons were reprinted under the guise of "freedom of speach", and of course since the situation had already been explained and a VERY SMALL MINORITY of extreem muslims went apeshit, burnt our flags and talked about beheading people. (Muslim clerics in birmingham had a quaint meeting with rabbis and priets and talked about over a cuppa)

Meanwhile the footage taken of this VERY SMALL MINORITY going apeshit was shown over and over and over agin by the corprate media. People watching this 'news' included BMP members, people who were joining an army and a public who were being covinced to surport two illegal wars in the middle east. Many of these members of the public were retards, or just didnt know any better. people grew a little more scared of the muslim comunity.

Cartoons like this and the eternal jew are not created for people like you and me, and probally the readers of this blog. they are created for idiots, to galvinise hatred beween two cultures who could and should co-exist peacfully.

we live in a time that isnt that far off 1940 nazi germany, the holocaust didnt appear in a vacume. is was an apex of years of graft and propaganda. the patiorate act has cleard the way for concentration camps to be built 'if need be' (of course they now call them labour complxes) and we can only guess if they will ever be filled and with whom. The only way to stop another turd hitting a fan is by all of us putting our foot down and saying no.

i believe in freedom of speech, i dont believe in cruelty. i can call a black man a nigger if i wanted to, but i dont and for a very good reason.

and their is a fundmental diffrence between what monty python did and what these cartoons are. the life of brian does not attack jesus or the church, it attacks the retard follwers of religions using intellgence and astute observation (and the insane reaction that the film got in the 1970's by a few extreemists proved its point) for muslims, this cartoon is a stab in the balls.

and the most importaint diffrence is this: the life of brian is funny.

Posted by KvKvG on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 23:52
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I don't agree that The Life Of Brian doesn't attack Jesus or the Church...

There was an outcry at the time, and I'm completely certain that my steadfastly christian parents would never watch it (and if they did would have a BIG BIG problem with most of it's depiction of their beliefs, as would and have many others...)

Furthermore, I'd like to see the reaction The Life Of Allan would recieve.

For a a start it would show images of Mohammed and would therefore insult...

I understand that Muslims don't believe that Mohammed should be depicted, and they're perfectly entitled not to depict him - but others who aren't muslims have the perfect right to depict him as they wish...

I guess what you're suggesting is that this situation has been deliberately manipulated to portray islam and Muslims in a certain way and that such a depiction is a part of a general campaign against Islam...

That could or could not be the case. These things certainly happen and this administration is capable...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 00:06
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Steve Or Die!

bring on the radicals, i say... if yr gonna believe in something, do it properly... i mean, "yeah, i believe in god but i don't think everything in the bible is right" doesn't cut it... you believe or you don't. no half-arsedness in these endeavours, just balls-to-the-wall belief. and forget secularism; why would you accept that someone else may be right if your religion is the one true religion?


stephen the devout agnostic

Posted by Steve Or Die! on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 23:54
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but isnt being agnostic sorta an example of a half-ass-ed endeavour ??

also agnostic.

Posted by maryJane on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 00:33
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It's definately non-commital...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 00:36
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Yeah, I know what you're saying...

I'm an all or nothing type myself and there's nothing worse than folk who 'find god' as and when it suits them...

Posted by : THE FUTUREPROOF MUSIC BLOG BY PIOUS GIOVANNI : on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 00:09
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