Current mood: ROGER
Category: ROGER Music
Right then...
Screaming dogs and Cylobtic electronics aside, what have i been listening to this last week??
Plenty is the answer. In fact I've barely been turned off and have a large stack of new material that's still as yet to make it through the Giovanni rinser...
In terms of new myspace material, it's mostly been an electronic week...
AuDioMasteR turned out to be a very pleasant experience. Here we're looking at some nice melodic and fairly basic sounding electronic fayre. There's a lovely sense of tune here and I always like it when the tracks on the myspazz player are downloadable and free...
Jackson & his computer band is described as Tropical Metal and so it might be. This is a whole deal more frantic and more modern sounding than AuDioMaster. But as with the above has sublime melodic and rhythmical moments well worthy of your ears...
The top end of noisiness this week comes from KVKVG This is music to murder your parents to, and it also has the rare quality of replicating the sound of Paul Giovannis brain in times of strife...
In terms of more guitary indie stuff I have a couple to recommend this week...
The first is Botox Cowboys. There's a fair old mixture of sound here and i think that's the appeal. Yes, I like the diversity. In places it almost sounds like post and pre Syd Barrett Pink Floyd in other places more Ska. Good vocals 'n all...
Number 2 is about the only good news to come out of France in the last 7 days.
Our Absence Interesting sounds. Nice soothing qualities. Almost Morrissey like vocals. Good use of electronics...
And finally we have James Husband. When not working the day job with Of Montreal, Mr Husband is knocking out solo material on limited runs. His stuff has the same pop sensibilities as Of Montreal yet stands aside. I like it, shit, my ex-wife might even like this - it might be something we can agree on....
![]() | Currently listening : Love Collection By The Gasman Release date: By 13 March, 2007 |
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