Current mood: DOL SCHOOL
Category: DOL SCHOOL Music
So, I've been down to the parental home for a day or so. My dad had the op - the quadrupple bypass, and within 24 hours, he was sitting up in bed, cracking jokes..
The old boy's 77 years old. It was an inspirational moment for me...
Anyway, I had a short wait in my home town of Eastleigh and I used it to wing a trip around the charity shops to buy clothes. I found a jacket and a t-shirt, but the real treats were all vinyl.
The total cost for this lot was aroundabout £20 and was sourced in an hour exactly...
Not only is this musical quality, but the artwork is well above average..

But if you think the above are good, just get your laughing gear around these two..
Particularly this one...
Ski Heil??!!
What the fucking hell??
I thought this kind of Nazi/music/irony thing was a recent Shoreditch Twat phenomena..
It just goes to show there's nothing new going on in Shoreditch....
 | Currently listening : KS02 By Kevin Saunderson Release date: By 01 March, 2003 |
06:18 - 6 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
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