Current mood: MICHAEL
Category: MICHAEL Music

I was never allowed to watch TV containing violence in my childhood. My mum was worried about what effect it would have on us. She didn't much like American TV either, or for that matter ITV, or any TV with commercials, or any kind of Pop Music or...
I therefore missed out on most of the big talking points of the school day: Important topics light Airwolf, Knight Rider, Transformers, Dynasty and Twin Peaks…
Yes boss, the closest thing I got to wierd TV action was The Dukes of Hazzard and Mcgyver. Now, quite how or why these slipped through the net is a mystery - I mean driving orange cars with dysfunctional doors and reckless abandon isn't really the kind of thing you want your child to be emulating, but there we go, nets are never exact, even my mothers…
Anyway, I've been enjoying the jagged and punchy electro rave of a man called Black Victory this last little while and I decided I wanted to talk with him about what he does and how he does it. I didn't however want to sit in café somewhere and talk platitudes and fried breakfasts, so I asked Mr Victory where and how we should meet
"How about inside Kitt?" he replied nonchalantly
"Kitt, the car from Knightrider?" I asked, feeling a rush of exhilaration similar to those I feel when I hear a new and excellent swear word. "Sounds great, but don't tell my mum!"
So, 3 weeks, 47 phonecalls and 312 emails later, we took our seats inside the car known to millions as Kitt
Now, I'd be lying if I didn't say I immediately saw the appeal of this car Kitt. It talks and furthermore offers handy advice on all manner of subjects. Indeed, so congenial was this talking car that I found myself wondering what my mother found to be so offensive and had to fight hard to dismiss feelings that suggested my childhood had been absolutely beastly and very deprived indeed...
Anyway, enough of this crap…
I asked Kitt for a cup of tea and started on the meat of the day by asking Mr Victory what the big interest in Kitt was and whether it had perhaps been instrumental in his becoming an electronic musician…
BV: Knight Industries Two Thousand has played a massive part in my life, my morals, the way I think about life. I now have the confidence to save towns from biker gangs and other criminals then I go home and try to write music about those experiences.
PG: I see, so what in the hell do you make these smashing and firm bangs with then???
BV: Ha Ha! I get asked this all the time, as do other electronic artists I know. I don't really like to say. I know that can sound arrogant but I'm not really a production geek, I like using the equipment but I don't want to have a meaningful discussion about it. I do like Korg shit though.
KITT: MILK? (We both nod)
PG: So you're not a 'laptop and software' man then - there's standalone gear?
BV: Yeah, I use synths and some other bits and bobs. You can do a hell of a lot with just software, but using hardware makes me alter the way I structure the track and not get into a repetitive cycle.
PG: Well, I thought your stuff sounded quite analog and the production almost rough edged, which made me think you might be using an Amiga or Atari or something proper old skool….
KITT: SUGAR?? (We both decline)
BV: No, I've got some decent/OK equipment, I just choose to make it sound like that. A bit of grit in the mix goes a long way in terms of making it sexy! I like to make my beats sound like they're being pushed to the max on some 90's drum machine. Oh, I love using my vocoder too, then making it sound like its something else.
KITT: "Vocoder?! that'll be the Kitt in you!"
PG: "Shut the fuck up Kitt!" I yell instinctively, "This is my gig, you're just the fucking back cloth!"
To our mutual surprise Kitt does as he's told, the teas shoot out of the dash (almost spilling) and with calm restored I continue my questions.
PG: "So, what's your history with music then??"
BV: "Well, I've been making music for years, I was a drummer in a Metal band when I was younger, it was a great time but I cringe when I hear any of our stuff now. I then studied music production at Bradford and then Nottingham, that's when the Black Victory pseudonym emerged and I started making music for myself.
PG: Yeah, the name sounds a bit 'metal' does metal and heavy rock still influence you now? Do you still listen to it?
BV: I still listen to some grind and thrash bands. It's not like some guilty pleasure though. I only listen to the good stuff, the real spazzy stuff. It must influence me in some way, not sure if it seeps into my music often though.
PG: Well I still love Slayer and Anthrax once in a while. I've always admired the practice and fitness and technical ability with that double-quick fast stuff.
BV: Slayer are the best thing to come out of America ever! War Ensemble is the best track! I love the blast beats and the sick guitar harmonies. You should take a listen to The Black Dahlia Murder they're super-tight!
PG: So, do you have any idea where you're trying to go with your music or are you on a bare old ramble??
BV: Yeh, ideally I'd like to be given the backing to do a full album, I've got some ideas I want to explore involving choirs and female screams. I'd also like to record some more filthy vintage stuff.
PG: I like the sound of a female screaming LP very much. But what does backing consist of in these DIY times? Do you want to go into a studio with a budget, with Steve Albini?
BV: No, I just want enough to live on until its recorded, so I can give it my full attention.... after work its not always my most creative time.
PG: So, who do you want for the screaming? I'd vote for Gwynnie Paltrow. I'd love to hear her scream rather than mooch about in that schichy cute way she normally does in her films…
BV: I've never trusted Paltrow, she's too good at our accent, but I didn't have her in mind. I think I'd just send a bulletin out on myspaz and ask for volunteers. If anyone reading this wants to volunteer in case I get a chance to do it then get in touch…
PG: So, how do you feel about the vast changes in the way the music biz works now?
BV: Awesome. You can reach a decent size audience online without all the marketing. Myspace is the fat A&R mans dream!
PG: But, don't you have to be an instant hit now or get dumped and is this good or not?
BV: I think it totally depends on the music, if your tracks are wild and it all explodes for you, you'll be fine, you've got the variety to pull it off. You can't make the same stuff over and over.
PG: So, do you have any pop aspirations? I mean I was always a bit disappointed that one of the Rephlex bunch didn't sell their soul and give us some proper funky pop music....
BV: Yeah I'd love to see Cylob in the charts! Pop's not my vibe really, but if my music started to become pop-ish as a natural progression, I'd go with it. I'd never make a conscious decision to go in that direction.
PG: Right, we talked about all Laptop action earlier. Do you think Laptop performances can ever be exciting to watch??
BV: Maybe, I'm not the most energetic live laptoper ever.
PG: Does this Matter?
BV: No not really, people have broad tastes, If they wanna see something entertaining they can go see Army Of Flying Robots or Daughters. For the people that go to electronic nights, I think it's about the music and appreciating the sounds. That's why they have VJ's.
PG: Well, the only problem I've had with pure electronic nights and Vjaying is that kind of an event requires drugs...It's too loud to talk. Women are few and far between and they're always coupled off. It can all get a beard scratchy - it's more like an electronica conference than a gig with all these anxious boys starring at gear...
BV: True, I can't argue with that, that's exactly what it's like, although I never take drugs, so its worse for me HA! We need to get more women involved in electronica and IDM, maybe I'll start a workshop at the community centre?
PG: Good idea, let me know when it's on, I'll come and pretend to do a feature on it…
PG: So what other acts are floating your boat at the moment??
BV: Christopher D Ashley is going to be masssive! So is T-toe! Dan le Sac! All acts I found on myspaz (or did they find me?) But in terms of signed acts, nothing springs to mind! In fact, I listen to These Arms Are Snakes a hell of a lot, they constantly float my boat.
PG: T-toe is class. I have to drop him a line. He sent me a disc a while back and it's overdue a response...
BV: Me too, I love it. Brasstronica is the future.
PG: It takes a lot of balls to stand up in a nightclub and get a trombone out
PG: Mr Le Sac is off and rolling nicely...
BV: It's well deserved...
At this point, Kitt informs us off the record (and in a rather ruder tone of voice to the one fans of Knight Rider are used to hearing) that our time is up and that Michael has a mission to be getting on with, so can we kindly move on…
PG: OK, so, is there anything else you want to say?? Anyone you want dead?? Alive?? To use as a slave to clean your flat???
BV: Milla Jovovich can scrub my kitchen floor in her panties anyday. Oh, and check out Le Tournoi - Bradfords finest!
PG: So there we go.

![]() | Currently listening : South of Heaven By Slayer Release date: By 23 April, 2007 |
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