Current mood: RORLTING
Category: RORLTING Music
So, to separate what will be a week or so ram jammed with interviews and the cleared backlog of reviews, I'm going to throw in a couple of opinion pieces to keep my chest flustered and solicit something.
And I'm starting tonight with a review of the avenues of hedonism...
Basically, I'm tired of pubs and clubs. Perhaps it's a sign of my own age and my domestic position, but whatever's causing it, I'm the kind who generally rolls a touch ahead of the times, so hear me out and point out the errors...
I'll start by saying genuine partying is great. I'm shit at it these days and I haven't been to a nightclub in a coupla months. The last time I went I was bored shitless after about an hour, and had I not have had a review to justify my free entry, I'd have gone then, instead of about 30 seconds after the reviewed act fnished playing....
I mean, since the advent of Studio 54 and the disco era, there's been an enormous level of importance attached to something that is essentially a nastily policed racket run by the kind of gangster cunts, that all smiles or not, aren't the type of person one dreams of spending quality time in the prescence of.
And let's face it, on every practical level, nightclubs are pretty fucking unbearable allround unless the music is good enough to blow such thoughts away and/or you're on the pull.
In clubs, you have to shout everything, the toilets are like the fucking trenches, it's harder and harder to take drugs, and now smoking is banned indoors in the UK
Furthermore, the cult of the DJ is something of a farce and if you've got a half decent stereo and record collection of your own, friends who know your address or a taste for solitude, why the hell should you want to go out anyway??
The fact of the matter is that nowadays it's becoming harder and harder to actually relax in such places without worrying about the drug police, the fag police, the stupid fucking price of drinks etc etc etc
I mean I went to a late license pub the other day and I'd been sat down for a minute and the bouncer comes up and tells me I can't wear a cap.
"Why?" I asked him
"Cause it's dress code"
I walked out...
I was later told, that it wasn't dress code, but that caps are now an apparent security threat because the cameras can't see your face?!? What next? Will spectacles have to be left at the door? Beards? Suntans??
I mean given this shitty puritanical governments putrid obsession with 'binge' drinnking, how long is it till drinking itself is banned in pubs incase we get fucking drunk??? Shit, let's do the job properly why not???
For my money, the only ever good and interesting thing about clubs and the more fruity edges of pubs was the freedom - that you could let your hair down in them and shake off the week without bother and hassell...
And now you can't
And with this being so, I'd far rather sit at home with a beer that i don't have to queue for, that is actually fucking cold, a stereo that can play plenty loud enough, and no twisted face drug lords in my face, than ever tolerate another fucking nightclub again, unless there's someone completely fucking blinding playing live and i mean LIVE...
So, it's my bet, that as the smoking ban takes effect and as the commercial festival circuit continues to proporgate, clubs and pubs will loose importance and start to falter over the edge. People will figure on house parties as being far less hassell, and use the almost weekly outdoor festivals for their more gene ranging fun in the summer months...
Well shit, perhaps this sounds like I've gone into middle age Librarian mode, but one should always remember that Librarians have the most fun and that you ALWAYS ALWAYS have to watch the quiet ones..
 | Currently listening : Let It Go By Tim McGraw Release date: By 27 March, 2007 |
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