Monday 20 October 2008

Tomorrows Tricks....

Current mood: YEAH!!!!
Category: YEAH!!!! Music

One thing I've grown intolerant of since returning from the old country, is cheap pissy over taxed booze available in the stores here in the UK...

Yes boss, I've not had so much as a sniff of the barmaids apron since returning early Wednesday AM, for the simple reason that after feasting on the good stuff, I can't face buying some fucking rancid vinegar for £3 a bottle....

'HOW VERY FUCKING BOURGEOIS!!!!' I perhaps hear you shout....

Well, if being radical is drinking and eating shit, then you can call me a fucking posh ponce any day of the fucking week....

Of course, I'll get over this - I'll have to...

But tomorrow, I have this posh
Prosecco tasting thing at The Institute of Directors in Pall Mall, which will involve loads of top grade booze for free with the knobs and snobs of wine, and having been dry for 5 days, I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!

Later, in the evening, I'll then descend back to spend time with the plebs (in my suit) here at The Big Chill Bar...

Yes boss, my London days might be numbered, but this means all the more emphasis on fun and games whilst I'm still here and though it's a bit industrial the line up makes the Big Chill Bar worth a nosey tomorrow...

As I've said before that Brigid Power Ryce
has a belter of a voice and tomorrow is a free chance to grab an earful of it LIVE....

So come along, hear Brigid and the others (about which I know nowt) and take a good opportunity to laugh at me stumbling about drunk in a suit, like a successful and proper banker....


Currently listening :
Alphabetically Arranged
By Best Fwends
Release date: 2007-06-18

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