Tuesday 14 October 2008

Marzio Bruseghin

Current mood: ASSTASTIC!!!!!
Category: ASSTASTIC!!!!! Sports

Next Friday, I'm being taken to see Marzio Bruseghin

Marzio Bruseghin is a professional cyclist who finished 3rd in this years Giro D'Italia.

Here is his website

And, here he is on the podium with Alberto Contador (winner of the 2007 Tour de France) & Riccardo Ricco

Autore: Alessandro Menegon" src="http://fotoalbum1.aruba.it/admin/wizard.aspx?kvu=http://fotoalbum1.aruba.it/fotoalbum_marziobruseghin_it/photos/HOME/Inchr32primochr32piano/6-Milano%28160%29.jpg" name="thePicture" ..="var picUrl =thePicture.src;&13;&10;picUrl=(picUrl.substring(picUrl.lastIndexOf('/')+1,picUrl.length));MM_openBrWindow('showpic.html?HOME/&9;Inchr32primochr32piano/'+picUrl,'','resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=400');" width="450">

Tomorrow, he is riding in the World Championships for Italy

And from there, he will return to his vinyard that makes Prosecoo wine and houses his 23 Asses...

And, why am I going to see him??

Well, because of this wine, he is a client of Mrs Giovanni's brother, Marco.

Marco says he has told Marzio about my interest in cycling, and that Marzio wants to meet me.

He says Marzio has a signed picture ready.

I find this to be incredible and quite ridiculous...

Essentially, I think Marco is still trying to employ me as his Prosecco wine seller to the UK.

Because, as well as sending me to see Bruseghin, he is sending me to this on October 12th...

I will be wearing my suit and tasting the wine..

But though I like the wine, and would like to see more of it in the UK shops I remain sure, I am a writer and not a wine seller...

However, when it comes to trying to persuade me to do something, one of the best possible cards that can be played, is to send me around a top professional cyclists house for a glass of his wine, and for a look at his 23 asses..

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