Monday 27 October 2008

From A to B and back again....

Current mood: PRETTY GOOD....
Category: PRETTY GOOD.... Art and Photography

Back when I was at Art School, I used to throw this story around, about how I'd only ever been to the college library once...

This story was of course bollocks - made up in order to enhance my rebel character myth.

Yes boss, the truth was, I'd go to the library pretty damn regularly - though never to study for coursework or anything to do with my degree...

Instead, I'd educate myself with my own transport trains of thought.

I watched this VHS vid about The K Foundation Burning A Million Quid a hell of a lot....

I also studied Andy Warhols excellent book: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and back again) as if it were the bible

Yes boss, I mentioned the importance of The KLFs book The Manual: How to have a Number 1 Hit The Easy Way on this months CHG tuneshow

But, this book dictated by Warhol was perhaps even more important for Planet Pauly G, for the simple reason that it's completely full of absolute truth and wisdom...

Well, I've just bought my second copy of this gem book, having given away the first copy a few years back (because I had the whole thing pretty much memorized)

I'm re-loving and discovering it all once again...

So, expect plenty of quoting - starting with this...

'Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet'.

Currently listening :
By Whitney Houston
Release date: 1990-10-25

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