Thursday 16 October 2008

Breaking back in....

Current mood: SLEEPY....
Category: SLEEPY.... Life

Well shit....

It doesn't take long for a holiday to wear off...

But then I suppose 12 days of manual work on minimum wage isn't most peoples idea of a holiday....

However, as I've boasted already, after that work, there was 5 days of good quality R&R, and this together with a stringent pattern of strict and heavy socialising in a foreign language with the inlaws, has to qualify as a holiday of sorts....

But holiday HOLIDAY???

I'm not so sure I fully understand the concept - because on Planet Paul, work never ends...

No boss, in the sense of turning my brain onto relax - that never ever happens...

Every minute of everyday is work.

It's the same for anyone who thinks of themselves as writer or some kind of 'on the times' social commenteer - unless you're drugged (and even then) you're on the job...

Yes boss, to write good and well, the actual portion of time spent putting the words onto paper or screen is miniscule compared with engaging with, watching, analysing and digesting the information in order of people and places and times, feelings and actions, to have something worth saying ...

The head is always moving, the eyes are always working, the headsprung hard disks are jittering along, straining.....

They're drawing charts and images and flows that become pieces of work and insights and bullshit - and that bit never ends until you die or change careers....

Everything has to be made coherent and relevant, day in day out, there is never time to relax...

Yes boss, if you compare good writing to sex, the actual writing bit is the orgasm - the joyous fucking release after all the hard puffing and wierd panting is done with...


Today, I'm back trying to get my feet under this fishy table to start working on stage 2 of Plan Giovanna and I'm struggling to get going...

Yes boss, I've got half an eye on the financial disaster porn on TV, meanwhile up the other end, it's back in with the unfathomable computer crashes, ringing phones, the 'HURRY THE FUCK UPS!!!!' and the impossible tasks necessary to be done to survive in this mean old fucking city...

There's always 8 things to do in every minute and 4 of them never get done...

But nevermind all that - here comes my point....

A wierd thing I find with technology is that it doesn't like to be neglected - it gets moody and starts playing up...

Yes boss, I find it nearly always to be the case, that when you buy a new machine to replace an existing one of inferior age and quality, the old one decides to go on the blink the moment the new one appears...


Even if it was fine and you're replacing the old because of greed or techno improvement, the old and previously reliable bastard starts mokeying around and hissy fitting the minute it's replacement is in the MOTHAFUCKING HOUSE!!!!

It's the same if you abandon a machine for a period of time because of a holiday....

Come back, and it takes a good few days to get things tuned and ready and warmed up - until then, everything is moody and jumpy...

Computers are basically like cats - except they don't start EEEKKING and MEWING in that pissed off fashion when you wake in the morning and try to do anything other than feed them STRAIGHT AWAY!!!

Currently listening :
Someplace Simple
By James Yorkston
Release date: 2003-10-21

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