Thursday 16 October 2008

Knowledge obscuring power...

Category: FUCK AFRICA, SAVE THE BANKERS!!!! News and Politics

I think the main problem with this here financial meltdown is that your regular John doesn't have a good clue what in the fucking hell is going on...?1?!?

No boss, you watch the news and there's endless talk of money being pumped in, confidence perhaps being restored, LIQUIDITY, LIQUIDITY, LIQUIDITY, and this golden idea that everything will be OK if ONLY the banks start lending one another MORE money, so they can then lend it on again to us lovely folk, so we can then spend it on new cars, dishwashers and educations...

Well, I for one, reckon this is a very strange way to run a show, that appears to have no basis in common sense or long term reality...

No boss, no-one seems to believe that this wierd lending cycles very existence, might in fact be at the root of the problem - OR - that if the bankers start playing ball with one another again - and we all get offered more cheap credit - we might just piss it all up the wall as per the last time and then have to run this whole crisis again...!!

So, today saw the turn of the UK to inject liquidity (£2000 per person in the UK - thanks for the consultation on that) and a few days ago it was the US.

Meanwhile Iceland hasn't got a pot to piss in and whatever happens in any of these valiant and servile attempts to prop up a dying dog, the markets continue to go down down DOWN and some of these bankers are creaming a (nother) mint because they're gambling on just that...

In order to look for trouble, this afternoon, I was watching Prime Ministers Question Time from the couch here on Fish Island...

It started with Gordon Brown listing off the names of all those brave but stupid folk, who've died in Afghanistan (whilst MPs took a few months off for holidays - apparently the country runs itself over the summer)

This was followed by Brown outlining this bail out, and to man (including the radicals and so-called opposition) the MPs set about praising the governments 'bold and wide ranging action' to stem the problem of banks not trusting one another....

Well, I'm willing to bet that most of these vapid social servants don't really understand what's happening themselves..?!?!

No boss, I reckon if you properly examined them, they'd have no clear idea where the money is coming from or even whether the deal has any chance of success?!?!

I reckon these MPs simply like the idea this HUGE pain in the ass might soon be over with, so that they can return to arguing amongst themselves about introducing mandatory shoe sizes for all....

Meanwhile, if you watch a channel like CNBC
and understand it to be anything other than the mad chunterings of a band of mental fucking subnormals, you're either vague or some kind of a gorilla....

It's more like surrealist poetry, and on this poetic level, I like it a great deal - but what in the hell these people are talking about is about as lucid and credibly unpackable as is Jesus talking in his sleep in a cave head on poppers...

So, the PG£ opinion here, is that this whole financial situation is complete made up confidence gobbleigook...

Yes boss, governments and bankers are trying to convince one another they are trustworthy - yet these folk clearly aren't stupid enough to believe one another as being anything other than absurdly selfish fools who would sell their own grandmother for a half dozen TNP Bonds....

Meanwhile, there is no more or less resources today than there was before the credit crunch was even thought of..

So the situation remains...

I think the BIG and FUNDAMENTAL problem here is that nothing goes up forever, that we don't make enough actual things anymore, that other countries are getting stronger, that we borrow money like junkies rob pharmacies, and that fantasy gambling doesn't always stand up to close and thorough fiscal examination...

AKA, we're dealing with a classic example of the Emperors New Clothes...

Yes boss, vicious, money obsessed fools yell at each other and no-one really understands what's going on, except that most of the time it appears to generate wealth and cash - and then it suddenly crashes into chaos, and then no-one quite knows what to do to make it better again....


Who knows what tomorrows 24/7 Disaster Porn will bring???

I'd put money on another bank collapse or maybe two. There'll be more volatile share trading and another country making up some half baked idea to convince us all to borrow more money and work harder for longer for less...

What's very unlikely to occur, is the announcement that a government is to inject some liquididty into the system by systematically hunting down all these bankers and speculators who've brought this upon us, requisitioning all their vast resources of money, houses, clothes and cars, selling the lot, and sending the selfish, cumbersome little shits down the mines...

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