Friday 24 October 2008

Cheap Gossip....

Current mood: CHATTER CHATTER!!!!
Category: CHATTER CHATTER!!!! Music

About the best going at the moment is the Madonna divorce...

Yes boss, despite Her Madgeness once pining for Britain, and emotionally retarded British men, she's now re-realised they're no fun at all, regrown her Italian American roots and decided the best thing to do with emotion is to SPLURGGGEEEE!!!!! it all over everywhere...!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I've never met her, but I can't help but feel Madge is one of the few true and pure bred winners in pop culture...

Yes boss, it strikes me this woman will do anything to continue to be famous and popular and young - unlike most, she has no idea when and where to stop - stopping isn't something she can do.....


Being young is something she should definitely give up on though - she's cheated it remarkably thus far, but I can't believe she has a chance of being 70 and still gyrating and trying to look hot in front of 70,000 people a night...

But you never know....

As for Guy - he never struck me as being more than about 15% talent...

All the films of his I've seen haven't gone above 5 out of 10...

He's done very well out of the whole affair, so i don't think he'll kick up too much of a fuss on the divorce.

Furthermore, I reckon he fears her reality more than the plague - she might have been the man every man lusts after, but nowadays she has all the raw bloody sex of a paket of dried tofu...

And the talk is she's dating a man known as A-Rod....

Currently listening :
Release date: 1989-07-20

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