Wednesday 28 May 2008


Current mood: OVER AND OVER AND OVER...
Category: OVER AND OVER AND OVER... Music

The other day I was talking to the front man of Colossus
Mr Spider Fingers Clay about how I'd decided I was no longer going to pick on Radiohead in these here blogs...

Mr Clay looked at me in a disbelieving fashion...

I explained that this decision had nothing to do with my having suddenly coming around to Radioheads music or worthy manner, so much as a desire to not excessively repeat myself and or over labour the point (that Radioheads very existance continues to annoy the shit out of me, makes me want to kill myself etc)...

'But you won't be able to resist' he said....

He was right...

Below is a blog by a band I've never heard of called (perhaps rather appropriately) The Liars

The Liars have just been on tour with Radiohead AKA The Heroes Of The Green Revolution, and these rather nauseating words are their take on that experience....


In a world full of fear and ripe with insincerity its such a relief to have met Radiohead.
They are purveyors of truth, beauty and a moral responsibility to the planet.
We've been welcomed with literal open ams and thoroughly schooled
on how to function as a band -not just musically, but ethicly too.
The honor is in learning from the best and from the beginning we've been in class.
The important thing for us to make clear is just how awe inspiring this production is.
We're not sure if there's any information made public about the efforts
Radiohead go to to reduce their environmental impact.
But, there should be.
At the outset we were all given tour water flasks.
Plastic anything is like contraband.
Every bus and truck runs on bio-fuel.
There is no idling, rather some new-fangled way to deliver electricity cleanly.
They don't do air-freight either.
The list goes on..
Everything is supremely managed to reduce the 'footprint'
and it's inspiring in that its 'real' and should set the standard for other big productions.
This all goes beyond the immediate impact of simply
being able to watch these 5 guys perform together each night.
Unlike any band we've seen they all contribute such an immense amount to the outcome.
Their extreme individual talents blending so naturally.
To witness this first-hand is an education in musicianship and vision
that's certainly not been lost on us..
For now, we'd like to send our huge thanks to the Radiohead crew
for being so super crazy nice and supportive to us.
We'll see them in Spain again for the Daydream Festival
and ofcourse during our West Coast tour with Radiohead in August -
so no tears yet..
We Liars head to Europe now...
following a luxurious 2 day break and will be re-tracing
some of the steps missed due to the euphoria of living in rainbows.

Love and Lobsters,

Shit, and I thought Shayne Wards songs were bad.....

So, what exactly is my problem with this epic by The Liars and Radioheads worthy fun free green crusade???

Well having completed such a crusade myself (whilst Radiohead were still in their fresh easy-to-wash band nappies making their millions), I can safely attest to the fact, that the reality of the western concept of 'Saving The World' is about as similar to ACTUALLY saving the world as Michael Jacksons ideas about Saving The Children are to do with making kids lives a better place to be.....

Basically: not quite what is said on the tin and more than a little bit misleading......

Yes boss, it's my opinion that though it sure is a tall and mighty pious bunch of ideas, the rules of human nature, the earth and the universe make the concept of earth saving to be utterly unattainable.

The world and the humans do their thing, and their thing is most often completely selfish and self seeking and no ammount of Bono or Thom is gonna make that any different, no matter how it might appear...

Sure this might sound cynical or negative, but stating the facts often seems to be percieved that way by people unable to accept the world in all it's miserable glory...

So Thom and the boys, do yourselves a favour and learn from someone who's been there, worn the t-shirt, and done the resulting 53 hour jail stint and hunger strike, only to get out of jail to find 10 times the number of people have been protesting against the imminent bankruptcy of a football club....

The only real way to make this world a better place for all Gods Children is to read The Futureproof Music Blog by Paul James Pious Giovanni £rd....

You heard it here first...

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