Thursday 28 August 2008

My Bloody Valet Service....


Another old friend of both Giovanni & Quoasis, Alan McGee, has been putting his oar in recently...

Apparently McGee has used his myspace blog to label the reformation of My Bloody Valentine as being 'nostalgic cabaret'...

Well, I'm not generally enamoured with McGee's musical opinions and choices of late, his shaky handy with TB, or his attitude when his son started wishing cancer on the readers of this blog - but for once I've got to agree with him...

Yes boss, for me, MBV are one of those 'cool' bands who are impossible to dislike without your whole integrity being called into question.

They have an aura and mystique that draws more knowing nods than a years Freemasonry..

But I'm afraid that despite trying to 'get' them on many occasions and respecting and liking bits of what they've done to a point, I don't and have never quite got them or their HUGE rep...

Yes boss, the way I see it, there are some bands who will come out with an LP that's considered great and not try and follow it, and there are some who try and fail - and I will always prefer the ones who try and fail, to those who bottle it and claim 'intention' or 'crazed genius' or 'it was because we never wanted to'....

My guess as to what really happened with MBV, is that despite what Shields said and says, he's become completely and utterly shit scarred of releasing anything significant - the pressure got too much, he blew his mind and upon recovering it, he doesn't know what to do...

He essentially knows that unless he produces the musical equivalent of the bible, his next LP will ensure his myth will fall into tatters, so he ain't gonna take the risk...

He's joined the group that includes or has included Kraftwerk & Axl Rose and the Stone Roses - big acts, that have prevaricated for too long, thus making critical and mythical success close to impossible to achieve...

For me, the lesson of MBV for me has therefore always been about alt.PR and mystique..


Playing or honestly being the tortured genius is the shortest cut to credibility....

Currently listening :
Dope for the Robot
By Metamatics
Release date: 2001-03-27

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