Friday 1 August 2008

Small Details....

Current mood: YEAHHHH!!!!
Category: YEAHHHH!!!! Music

I've got the headphones on...

And I'm thoroughly amidst
Casa Hasa Giovanna Episode 8...

Yes boss, almost 8 down, 15 to go - and for the first time I'm going to reveal the cover and theme a few days early....

This mix is proving to be quite a challenge...

For one, the theme is a little boring and for 2 it's very overt - which makes the task of joining it listenable - HARD!!!

It'll get done - work always does itself if you fully apply yourself - there's never any point worrying about it...

To catch up with the previous 7 issues - pop along here...

Other than this I've been working on some other audio bits and considering forming a new pop act called Money...

I've noticed that money is now god, and though I don't worship it - I reckon I should at least start a band called it...

The other main news is that Riccardo Ricco - my main boy for this years Tour De France,
tested positive for a new variation of the blood boosting drug EPO...

This was no real surprise to anyone in and around cycling...

Ricco clearly thought he'd got a untestable drug on the go - but it was testable...

The thing I loved about it, was that he got busted, lost his 2 hard fought stage wins, his reputation as cycling's new big 'little' boy, his highly paid job to a 2 year ban and he now awaits trial and possible imprisonment for 2 years - and this was how he looked as he was deported back to Italy...

As Madonna once said...



Currently listening :
By Orbital
Release date: 1992-10-12

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