Monday 25 August 2008

I am the Soul Sensation Alexander O’Neal

Current mood: OH BABY.....
Category: OH BABY..... Music

Yesterday evening, I was watching Celebrity Wife Swap in which Soul Sensation
Alexander O'Neal and his 'Valet Wife' Cynthia traded places with Wine Critic Jillly and her super polite English Gent Husband Paul..

It was great TV...

Not least because the Soul Sensation likes to have everything done for him...

And whereas Jilly his temporary wife, was far from used to that, she mucked in with incredible vigor and determination even when Alexander flipped into his twice daily tantrums ...

Yes boss, as Alexander huffed and puffed his glazed eyes down dark, Jilly accommodated him as if he were a naughty child, until the air inside his head cleared, and he returned to being the gentleman we all know him to be......

So what does this have to with me PG£

Well, that piece I wrote earlier about
retiring from music writing was my equivalent of an Alexander O'Neal tantrum, and as I move my written operation back towards the paying magazines, I'm likely to have many such flips...

Yes boss, as much as I'd love to stay in my sealed blog box forever only writing as the mood takes, the pitter patter of tiny giovan-feet means I have to start injecting petro-dollars into my written operation or else GET A REAL FUCKING JOB!!! (and no-one wants to see that - except perhaps Mrs Giovanni, and Giovanni's Mum & Dad...and his sister, and probably at least one of his brothers..)

Anyway, until I can capitalise my website and the like, I'm having to send stuff out to paying outlets and tolerate the hokum abuse they like to dish out to their writers...

Suffice to say then, that the major change with this here Blinger is that it (and you) are going to have to be my virtual 'Valet' wife, and I AM NOW THE SOUL SENSATION ALEXANDER O'NEIL!!!

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