Sunday 10 August 2008

Colossus::: Open...

Current mood: lapping the beach...
Category: lapping the beach... Music

A band I didn't include on my round up of who's moved on from where was Colossus...

In fact, I was supposed to be doing a Part 2 to that piece - which I will do - but not just now...

Anyway the thing that's marked Colossus out throughout the last 18 months, is their regular consistency...

Yes boss, a key aspect of this bands ethos is a daily schedule of recording and rehearsing, and this means they keep knocking out the tracks - and each time they're different in sound and scope...

The most recent track of these is out on their myspace player today.

It's called Open...

Jon from the band describes it as being ambient and it is - but not as you might know...

No boss, there's no bleeps or bloops, or sheep barring royally in echo leaden triplicate......

Instead Open meanders in over light guitars and percussion.

It bubbles and floats and you're expecting a 'Creep' like KICK IN AND AWAY IT GOES!!!! - but that never comes...

It remains almost still...

It's a very soothing number, with an oozingly warm vocal and I like it very much

To hear it, go over to their myspazzing player now....

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