Saturday 2 August 2008

A Bottle Of Martini, A White Wine and a Stella please...

Current mood: OPPULENT!!!
Category: OPPULENT!!! Jobs, Work, Careers

I'm not sure quite how widespread a phenomena 'Freecycle' is, but it goes on around the trendy east end, and being terminally short of cash, I like to take good advantage of anything that contains the word 'FREE' whenever possible...

The idea of Freecycle is simple..

It's a Yahoo newsgroup dedicated to recycling people cast offs..

Basically, if you have some old crap you want shot of, you put a message out to the group, sit back and watch your inbox fill up with desperate pleas and stupid rationale as to why THAT INDIVIDUAL SHOULD HAVE YOUR CRAP...

Alternatively if you want to fill your house with other peoples rubbish, you recieve the emails each time something is listed, get your clicky finger CLICKING TO TRY AND GET IN THERE BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE RUNS OFF WITH THE PRIZE!!!!

Now, it could be said that it's a sign of the opulence of our times, that the kind of things that used to be sold in the freeads, jumble sales or in small cards in shop windows are now given away for free...

I for one used to love jumble sales for this kind of thing when i was young.

Yes boss, aroundabout age 14, I'd get the local papers together and do a good agenda for the weekends sales, I'd then take my push bike out and do as many as I could and come back with a vast haul of stuff with which to trouble my mothers sense of tidiness...

This picture was taken one night when I was younger than that, after I'd made a particularly successful haul.

I was so pleased with the days work that I refused to remove my new various accessories to sleep - I really was enormously happy with them...

Well, to cut a longer piece short, I've done very well out of freecycle this last year. It's given me a bike, a dining table, 2 leather armchairs, and the snails (RIP)..

Most recently, I found myself in possession of aroundabout 150 cassette tapes of reggae and soul, and then today, I saw this ad and couldn't help but leap right in...

Hey guys!

Up for grabs:

1) 13 bookends, 8 steel and 5 plastic.

2) Sennheiser neckband headphones

3) Multiplug with individual switches to save energy - 4 sockets but
only 3 are working.

4) Bag of stationery with an assortment of pens, box of black clips
and multi-coloured tabs for notes/books

5) Digital cordless telephone

6) Folding jeff chair from ikea - black

7) Drinks - 1 big bottle of Martini Asti, 1 bottle fo Stella Artois, 1
bottle of French white wine, 4 cans of tonic water and 2 bottles of
soda water.

Once again, would be really great if someone offered to take all or
most of the stuff. I live in E1, collection asap please. Email or text
at 07*875*30*3. Thanks!

Shafa x

Well, I got in SUPER QUICK!!! took the lot and am now sitting in my black jeff Ikea folding chair, drinking Martini Asti and drawing pictures of The Pope with the multi-coloured pens...

Shit, I might even pretend call people on the

5) Digital cordless telephone
before the night's out....

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