Wednesday 6 August 2008

Dennis the money maker....

Current mood: BORED SHITLESS...
Category: BORED SHITLESS... Music

About the only time I watch the box these days is for sport, major world disasters and/or political events - and the occasional film...

But this last 3 weeks I've watched a fair bit of everything, because of a rather unspectacular edition of the Tour de France...

Yes boss, cycling is cleaning itself of the fabric of it's corrupt, drugged and cheating fundamental past - and I think that's a shame, because for me, sport and music should never be about clean living nice people - that's what the suburbs are about.....

This years tour winner, Carlos Sastre, is a truly lovely bloke.

I got his autograph at last years launch of the Tour, and whereas a whole bunch of other riders scribbled something quickly and dismissively, Sastre stopped and took enormous care and attention over writing his name and then thanked me for asking....

I thought:

'Oh, what a lovely bloke!!!'

Yes boss, there's no question Sastre's a diamond good man - but as insane as it might sound, when nice guys start winning bike races like the Tour, you know there's something wrong with the direction of the sport...

Lance Armstrong didn't win 7 consecutive editions of the worlds toughest mainstream sporting contest because he was a nice guy - but because he was a selfish, bullying, cheating cunt...

And as far as I'm concerned, that's the way it should be...

I want to be able to hate, fear and love my sporting heroes - not see them as being nice guys I want to have a curry with...

Anyway, this last 3 weeks, I've seen too much TV - the same adverts time and time again - and my tour TV time has slipped into all manner of other crap that's followed...

Dragons Den is very similar to X-Factor except the people turning up with their crazy dreams of grandeur importance are inventors and entrepreneurs rather than wannabe pop stars..

Or at least they normally are - but this last episode flipped the mould...

Yes boss, it started with a band called Hamfatter who were pitching for £75,000 to make 30,000 copies of their 3rd LP...

And you know what???


Furthermore, they had the Dragons, falling over one another to forincate a bit of Simon Cowells action, with which to perma-gell their glossy fucking pants.....


Yes boss, I've seen a few Dragons Dens down the years, and never before have I seen such a 3 way GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! as i did over a shiney well spoken band called Hamfatter...


Of course, until the advent of indulgent comfy kack like Radiohead and The Strokes, bands like this would be laughed all the way back to their middle class schools - but as we all now know, Rock 'N' Roll (with very few exceptions) is no longer anything approaching dangerous, poor, raw or vital, so much as consistently bad cabaret designed to make $£$£$£$$£$ and enforce the social order...

And so nowadays wannabe musical stars go on entrepreneur programs and cleverly pitch their bands marketing strategy to a bunch of smart suited self important cunts who behave like Greek Gods...


Currently listening :
As Time Goes By
By Bryan Ferry
Release date: 1999-10-19

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