Monday 7 July 2008


Current mood: SATISFIED....
Category: SATISFIED.... Web, HTML, Tech

Today, it wasn't all VVVRRRROOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

and CLICK CLICK gear change...

I've also been sorting out my new cockpit.

Yes boss, with the impending likelihood of extra employment and a bairn, on top of my work as the worlds most vital music writer and social commenteer, I've been frantically working my office and V3 of (yet to be released) into shape, so i can loose 9 hours a day, engage with childcare, and still function at the same high level you've become acquainted too...

Yes boss, whilst watching the sportsmen drive their things, I've been actively maximising and increasing the sphere and influence of my operation, whilst simulteaneously pausing a little and reorganising my financial flows in time for the arrival of Mini G and THE JOB!!!.

It's basically like dancing on the brakes and acclerator to maintain speed...

The bottom line is that I'm now running a grand total of 5 computers in shifts, so as to quickly cover all angles of Giovan-promotion and coercian...


So, why aren't there a queue of canny cretivo-business folk offering to buy your soul and written skills for millions, so that you can sit in the sun and order minnions to sort your IT????

I hear you ask...

That, I will never know

and neither will they - because they're too busy promoting CRAP!!!

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