Saturday 12 July 2008


Current mood: SHAMELESS....
Category: SHAMELESS.... Music

So what does Iggy Pop have to do with all this

Well, very little except we're papering the newspaper to the walls and Chanel asks me what I'd normally be doing on a Saturday...

'Whatever I like..' I reply

and it all goes quiet for some time...

It's that kind of a situation where you know there's a certain type of conversation which'll work..

This talk has to revolve around gentle horseplay.

It has to be continually indicating that you believe Chanel to be desireable, interesting and worth flirting with - and - if you were to be granted the chance YOU WOULD!! OH FUCK YEAH!!!!

But the problem for me is I'm irritated by her, in fact I'm more interested in annoying her as I was annoyed the previous day by her lack of help....

I find her essentially quite boring and I'm sure she feels likewise about me..

So I delight in being obsequious, silent and difficult..

As a result of this rather turgid state of affairs, as soon as the newspaper is pasted, Chanel returns to one of the boys who'll do the flirt talk all day long and I stand back and admire our work - except I don't much. I think the newspaper looks shit, but the Director is convinced otherwise, and he's the boss and certainly knows what he can make look good on a film better than I do...

But the job is mostly done, so I can sit back, watch and listen...

I find I like the Grime boys a lot.

They're some of the most polite and pleasant folk I've met in a while - they have a geniune one for all and all for one mentality going on. They often talk about what is and isn't Hip Hop, much like people used to talk about what was and wasn't Rock 'N' Roll...

It reminds me once again of how culturally redundent anything that calls itself Rock 'N' Roll in 2007 is.

Seriously - kids being into the Rock 'N' Roll of today are an embarassment, that wave has passed right on by, the bands pushing it in 2007 are corpses on the firggin tideline...

Yes boss, by the end of the day, I feel I understand what is meant by 'Hip Hop Culture' a whole lot more than I ever have before.

It's a lot more than a type of music: It's a language, a style of dress, a set of attitudes and prejudices - it's a group identity deeply routed in black urban culture..

Which is wierd, because many of the white boys fathers were probably out and out racists.

How things have changed...

Some things don't change...

Chanel flirt chats all day with an endless round of suitors.

She has a boyfriend, he's a session drummer and now has a band who's name immediately leaves my head. She talks about him and another previous boyfriend...

His name?? Wiley

(I later find this cuddly picture of the pair of them on her spazz)

And that's about that....

Except to say that the filming goes on until past midnight, by which time and I've decided I can't be doing with any more work in the art department - whatever it was I wanted to learn, I've learnt...

Oh, and for the 2 weeks I'm bombarded by calls from the flats hire company about the runied flats...

Meanwhile Paul Giovanni £rd still hasn't interviewed Terror Danjah

And this is the video

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