Current mood: HUNGRY!!
Category: HUNGRY!! Music
Once more i approach you bearing a bundle of musical suggestions that you may or may not take pleasure in engaging with...
I know I said I'd have a whole bunch of new stuff this week, but quality new stuff doesn't grow on trees and i can therefore only offer you a small but sweet selection at this point in time...
In fact, the first and only member of this sweetly select buch is ANIMA.
Basically, there's nothing i like to see more from a band or an act than a global purpose, quotings of great mythical figures and a belief that their music has the possibility and potential to save the world.
Anima has all of this.
Yes boss, not only does it's innovator claim to live in Vatican City, the myspazz also comes with a whole manifesto to go with the mecurial mutli layered guitar work. If you like things grandiose and complicatedly simple then go and take a look and listen...
It's been a good week for staples. I have this new phone. It's a Sony Ericson K750i and i've named it Personal Joy.
This dear boss, is the finest piece of technology I've ever owned bar none. It does everything a phone should do. It also has a memory stick slot which supports a 4gb card of music, it takes pictures, the battery lasts forever, it's very easy to use and it just works like a fucking dream!!!
Anyway, Personal Joy allows me to have a whole bunch of fine music about my person at all times and i have therefore been listening through a lot of stuff..
Favourites this week have been Arab Strap, The Pixies, they came from the stars i saw them vs reality, Lee Hazlewood, The Bronx, The KLF and a decent compilation of Kevin Saundersons finest work..
Sunday was a wierd day.
As some of you already know, I somehow managed to engage myself with a student film which is some kind of remake of Alice in Wonderland. I play the part of a naked (excpeting see through apron) pastry chef and I spent about 2 hours of Sunday afternoon runing around a strangers house dressed in a blonde wig with my face painted gold, wearing nothing excepting this dam plastic apron....
Now this might be a normal Sunday to some people, but it sure as hell isn't for me...Or it wasn't, but as the day wore on i thought Mmmm, I like this gold face paint...
So, when the filming was done, I kept my colour on and nipped acorss town on the Silverlink to DJ at the 4th Pull Up a Chair
Now, as I've said before Pull Up A Chair up to now has been an affair mostly attended by it's contirbutors, a few friends of the contributors and a few other miscellaneous drop ins. Initially I thought this was a problem and it is in terms of getting paid and feeling hugely loved,. But given my mostly amateur DJ ability, I find it to be the perfect testing ground and I've also found a whole host of interesting talent taking part in it...
Ross Lee may already be familar to some of you. he's done plenty of TV work and he's a talent. I mean just occasionally someone comes along who seems to epitomise a medium. Ross Lee is just such a person. Ross Lee IS television and if you work in TV I'd recomend you beat a clever path to his door and give him a new show sharpish...
Mr Lee aside, i thought I'd more or less trump everyone with my gold faced DJaying, but I was trumped double because along came Mr Jim'lls Brain who not only had a BLUE face, but also a crach helmet and a blue superman cape!!
But it wasn't all style. Mr Jim'lls Brain performed one of the most cheery, chirpy and downright comedic song sets I've seen in a long time and I'd advise getting over and listening to him sometime and someplace soon..
OK..I'll leave this here and go and buy some compost before Woolworths shuts...
Ciao, ciao for now!!
 | Currently listening : White Room / Justified & Ancient By The KLF Release date: By 20 February, 1992 |
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