Tuesday 4 November 2008

Talking of EGO!!!

Current mood: CLICK CLICK!!
Category: CLICK CLICK!! Fashion, Style, Shopping

Along with more or less everything else in the world, the world of paparazzi photography is changing...

Yes boss, regular readers might remember this piece about the fun and games Mrs Giovanni had in getting a set of pictures of the talentless whore actress Sienna Miller...

Well, a few months on, I'm not pleased to report that Sienna and her squillionaire boyfriend Balthazar Getty are successfully suing Big Pictures over that very set of pictures - meanwhile the papers who ran the pics have settled out of court..

Here's what happened

We left the story with Renato and Andrea seeming to be on the end of one BIG BUMPER PAYDAY having caught Sienna half naked with Getty before he'd even got around to divorcing his ex-wfie.

What happened next, was that the papers ran the story, and the lawyers were immediately called in.

To start off with it looked like everything was OK.

Renato and Andrea both convinced everyone including themselves that they'd done noting wrong in acquiring the shots, and that the boat and it's semi naked incumbents were only a few meters offshore...

But it turned out they were both lying - and when legal push came to shove (last week) they had to admit so and therein lay a BIG problem for Big Pictures...

Now, I'm not sure exactly which rule was contravened on this occasion, but it's one that only applies in the UK and it has a lot to do with Getty being the kind of man who can set very good lawyers to work for years on end until he either wins or bankrupts his opponents and therefore wins...

Of course, I'm sure most of you might well be thinking 'SO WHAT?!'

Yes boss, I'd imagine that like me, you have little time for the celebrity gass world and Mrs Giovannis buffoony ass boss Darryn Lyons...

However, this clamming up of the press is part of a much greater trend.

Yes boss, currently the super rich are engineering ever bigger privacy circles around everything they do.

Indeed, since this controversy has blown up, there have been a number of other high profile pictures and stories involving both household names and mega rich hedge fund managers that have been squashed before reaching the papers because of fears over similar legal action.

All told, I find this to be rather worrying and very villany James Bond - it needs to be watched..

But everything isn't all bad..

No boss, Big Pictures never got paid, Renato & Andrea never got paid - and Big Ps will now have to pay out a pretty vast sum of money to poor old Balthazar and Sienna for the inconvenience of depicting them cavorting in the sun...

The papers did however print the pictures, Mrs Giovanni engineered her part of the deal into a pay rise, and I'll be covering these and other stories here on the BLINGER without even the slightest fear about getting sued on account of my having nothing much they can take...


Currently listening :
The Stone Roses
By The Stone Roses
Release date: 1990-10-25

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