Monday 10 November 2008


Current mood: WOOF WOOF!!
Category: WOOF WOOF!! News and Politics


Uncle Tom says I've left too many blog comments already today - even though I haven't left any, so it seems I can't be replying to anyone direct on these blogs until after the witching hour...

So, to clarify what I'm saying about Obama:

I'm glad he's in, and I think some of the small detail in life will change for Americans.

The US's reputation abroad will also most certainly improve and things can only get better on almost every surface level with him at the helm.

What I'm wary of here is Tony Blair Pt 2.

Yes boss, there was a guy who said all the right things, put CHANGE into every sentence, was charismatic, a good orator, had an answer for every question and promised some kind of glorious new dawn FOR ALL OUR FUTURES!!!

And where did he lead us??

Into a stupid war that no-one wanted - 1 million people marched on the streets - THEY WERE IGNORED!!!

He sold the economy to bankers who then pissed it up the wall.

He opposed any decent progressive politician (Ken Livingstone being an example) on principle that they might show him up to be the fake he was.

And he instituted levels of control and surveillance on the UK people that make The East German Stasi look like a gang of fucking bird watchers..

Yes boss, as a result of that charismatic, well spoken cunt, we're all soon going to be walking around (being photographed on every street corner) with an ID card loaded with every last detail of our biometrics..?!?

Blair was a fucking disastrous political character, with no REAL morals or principles other than making his name - yet he would and still does continually convince people and himself that he was a strong religious and moral person dedicated to REAL AND FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE!!!

So, I think you Americans have to be very wary now of the same.

As it goes, I think Obama has more integrity than Blair, but I'm worried in this idea of a good guy in charge of a superpower - it's a complete and utter contradiction.

Perhaps Obama IS gonna tone everything down, scale back the military by 50%, get the fuck out of South America and Iraq and Afghanistan and the 301 other places where there's a US military presence for no other reason than to secure power and resources.....

If that's so - I'm pleased and have wrongly misjudged him...

But I don't see it happening.. .

I'd therefore rather see some horrible dumb fool cunt in charge of The US, than Mr RIGHT ON!!!

Having Mr RIGHT ON in charge is like having a nice guy in charge of the mafia - it's romantic but flawed....

It's like putting lipstick on a pig...

And that's PR, not progress....

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