Monday 9 June 2008


Current mood: GO WEST.........I MEAN NORTH!!!!!
Category: GO WEST.........I MEAN NORTH!!!!! Music

Laxxiness'll get you nowhere

is an often said cliche in the real world of work, and whereas it might be true in terms of lining the nest with crispy notes, lounging can bring on a whole load of longer term insight, and provide the very best and clear view from which to work and achieve more valuable long terms...

I say laxxiness: what I mean is sitting around thinking and pondering from time to time and THEN doing, rather than just ploughing on regardless like a runaway train...

Yes boss, silly wordage aside, what I'm saying is that sitting on your ass isn't always the crime it's cracked up to be, and my Official Trainer, Prepatoré and Personal Conditioner, (not to mention very good friend) is so good at his job here at The PGC AKA The FMC, exactly because he does a hell of a lot of this...

In all but title and name, Mr B is a pro thinker. He spends nearly all of his time wandering the hills, inbetween times indulging in the odd necessity of low down work.

It's a hard life and some of the reasons why he wanders lapping up nature, aren't all joyous ones, but whatever you might think about the concept of reterat, it sure as shit gives high class perspective on the unreal world of media city life...

Yes boss, as with most of my long term friends, I think the best thing with Mr B is that he doesn't read much of what I write (in fact, I'm pretty sure he's not read any Giovanni) neither does he often engage with any of my various nefarious, mostly unsuccessful and ridiculous schemes to dominate the world of music media and words...

Now, this might sound strange, but it's my view that the best person to take advice from in matters of work, isn't the one who knows the specific job, but the one who's working off basic principles of success and failure that exist in all occupations and aims of life...

The problem with fellow pros is that whether they like to admit so or not, they're always gonna be in competition with you on both conscious and subconscious levels. Occasionally you'll get a person who's genuinely and completely happy with their own achievements and can offer completely impartial and honest advice, but these occasions are very, very rare indeed...

So, the long and the short of this piece, is to say I'm going up to the West Coast of Scotland with the tent to meet up with (and belatedly celebrate) Mr B's 40th brithday and acquire top level advice.

I'll be back fresh and breezy inside a week or so..

However, until I leave on tomorrows nightbus, I'm gonna be rattling out as much of the backlog of half done content as possible - so brace yourselves for A BIG OLD RUSH OF WORDS!!!!

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