Monday 9 June 2008


Current mood: RETROSPECTIVE....
Category: RETROSPECTIVE.... Music

I'm only 33 years old, but I feel I'm begining to nail just exactly what my talents are in this world...

Here are a few of them:


I say talent, but I don't have any willing choice or particular desire to do it.

I rarely do more than an hour or two a day, and I detest sitting down and really working a piece into the ground - in fact, I'll put such an idea off for months and months and months if at all possible.. .

What I'm saying, is that I have no specific love of writing as a hobby or job.

Basically, if I could talk properly and think quickly, I wouldn't bother with writing at all, but I can't, so I do - and because I've written 4.3 billion words in order to cover up this character flaw, I'm beginning to make cogent and accurate sense on the virtual page in particular...


I can't but help myself


Listening prevents me from having to talk, and provides much content for the above writing...

Attracting Mad People

More often than not, they're the only ones worth attracting..

Not Making BIG Money

When listening to the soundtrack to the Sound Of Music today, I was reminded of that bit in the film where Julie Andrews says something to the effect of

'If God closes a door, look for the open window!!'

Well, I find that if I walk into a room, the BIG money nearly always walks right out of the window?!?

Yes boss,
despite being involved in any number of lucrative businesses and financial arenas, the bottom line is that I have an incredible ability to NOT make BIG money...

I think the key problem, is that despite my best interests to do so (mostly for other peoples sakes), I remain completely uninterested in it...


I might be short of the BIG $$$$$$$$, but I'm a zen master of high-res survival.

Put me in a desert with an old 50p piece, a ball of string and a packet of fags and I'll have a temple, and stream of running water up and running by the weekend...


I survive in style

Alienating myself from my fellow creative professionals, magazines and publishers etc...

I don't know any other full time and/or paid writers in real life neither do I know I ever want to...

Some musicians, I can handle, but music writers CAN (in the main) FUCK OFF!!!

Oh, and new and old media professionals who LOVE!!!! their jobs and think they're 'the bollox' for doing them, bore me to tears 'n all....

All these points, directly relate to my talent for NOT making BIG money...

Not Answering The Phone

I'm more capable of ignoring a ringing telephone than are 97% of the UK population...

This talent has a great bearing on 'Talents' 4 and 6

Avoiding Romantic Encounters

Colder than a glacier, and better at building big blank walls than The Israeli Government, I can avoid romantic encounters both deliberately and not, with relative ease...

Why bother???

I couldn't possible say...

Talent Spotting & Predicting The Future

I often see talent, trrends and events coming.

I watch them rise, make no money out of them, boast that I've seen them coming and then run away from the screaming boot of Mrs Giovanni....


I very rarely play and I very rarely loose...

And that's about it....

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