Current mood: MAGNANIMOUS
Category: MAGNANIMOUS Music
After all that seriousness of the last few days, I'm happy to report some good and happy news...
The Paul Giovanni Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Molly Coddle as The Official Artist to Paul Giovanni...
Yes, after a few days of difficult and intense negotiations involving far too many lawyers and other miscelleaneous personal staff, Paul Giovanni is delighted to announce a deal has been hammered out which brings Mollys imense artistic talents to the fledgling Giovanni operation..

Those of you familar with this blog will have seen these images already, all of which are the work of Ms Coddle. Her history in graphic design has been the perfect preprartion for this post and after spotting her ginormous talent, Mr Giovanni was very happy to enter into negotiations to acquire her services without delay...
Paul Giovanni said "I'm sure that under my strong tutelage and firm guiding hand, Ms Coddles work will further develop to an even higher standard than she has already attained"
Ms Coddle said: "It's like a dream come true for me. I just can't believe this is happening to me?! I mean I never ever dreeamed it possible I would one day work for such a huge and important man as Paul Giovanni!!!" etc
Unfortunately Ms Coddle has made it clear she will soon be sharing her time between this very important position and helping out a few sick people as a full time nurse.
Ms Coddle has however agreed that GIOVANNI art is obviously far more important than tending the sick, and that she'll drop the dying any time there needs be to a few more cats added to yet another picture of Giovannis vain and wonderfully pretty face...
This is the kind of commitment that Paul Giovanni likes to see...
This brings the PGC to announce the availability of several other positions...
If you're interested and qualified, please contact Mr Giovanni ASAP
Firstly: Paul Giovanni needs a very good editor...
Now, I'm not talking some wanna be writer who wants to watch Giovannis work develop up close only to leave at a selfish moment to pursue their own blinkered ambition. Neither am I talking about someone who wants to rewrite Giovannis work in their own inferior hand.
I'm talking about someone who's burnt their own creative dreams to an absolute and irretrievable crsip and/or someone who never had any to start with...
Giovannis Editor must be COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY anal about language and grammmar. They must agree that PG is the most promising writer currently around. AND they must want nothing more than to see him suceed at the very highest level...
Secondly: Paul Giovanni is looking for a Massueuse
Yes, the countless hours of hard work that Giovanni undertakes everyday to bring you this music blog are begining to take their toll and Giovanni is currently suffering some nasty repetitive strain on his fingers and some very unpleasant back pains..
If you are a qualified masseuse, live in London and are preparred to work Giovannis limbs once or twice a week, please do get in touch
Both of these positions are currently unpaid. There are however many perks involved which include a tonne of free music (I'm very generous when it comes to giving away other peoples work), first shout when Mrs Giovanni runs off with the milkman, and the odd plant here and there..
OK...  | Currently listening : Solo Piano By Philip Glass Release date: By 07 August, 1989 |
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