Current mood: BRUSQUE
Category: BRUSQUE Music
So smoking is to be banned in all enclosed spaces as from 2 weeks time??
Well, I can't help but think this hasn't been properly thought through. I mean you know what nightclubs are gonna smell of???
Gee thanks Nanny - You've saved us from ourselves again! Can I go piss now or do I need a permit, a pair of hygenic gloves and a quid to give the man who hangs around in the bogs with all those many perfumes???
I kid you not, that'll be next. The poor bastards who spend their entire working life sitting in toilets spraying peoples hands with elaborate cum'll be given legal power to enforce the hand out of hygenic gloves to all who enter - and then they'll still most likely demand to wash your hands on the way out, or slant you with one of their best tuts..
How did we ever survive without these things???
Who knows...
And before you trumpet 'SELFISH SMOKER SHIT!', I don't even smoke...
Anyway, let's cut the pontificating and general chit chat, and get on with the damn review.
As I've pointed out before, Gingliks is a former public toilet located 'neath Shepherds Bush Green. It used to smell of piss and bleach, now it smells of tobacco and soon it'll smell of B.O.
It's come full circle...
Yes, yes, yes...
So, Gingliks is a Private Members Club and last Thursday it paid host to a night of Beat Rock..
Beat Rock is advertised as being LIVE dance music.
Now, this is something I think we're all still waiting to see in it's prime. I mean I've not seen every live electronic act, but most I have seen, are the visual equivalent of watching the weather forecast..
I'm sorry, but hallucinogenic fractal videos just don't make a LIVE show, unless you've had so many drugs, you think a cow is some kind of an orange...
So, what did the Beat Rock bands have to add to the debate??
Well, I have to confess I missed the first act, so I asked friends who and what the hell had happenned, and they said The Versuvius Club were Hot Indie Pop. This could mean they're great or not. I don't know. Like I say I was eating dinner at the time, I'll let you know when i see them next, meanwhile you might like to check theirspace and see what you think...
I can confidently say that the second band 'Eugene Machine' were, as i expected they would be, worth the journey across London alone. I've seen Eugene Machine before. In fact it was at the self same venue a number of months ago. And yes, I like them.
When I first heard the name, I thought it was dubious - that they must be dubious. But they're not. They play a kind of bass funk heavy dance music with nods towards the Eurhythmics, 80s synth dance pop and elements of more traditional late 80s electro and dance...
The thing i most like with 'The Machine' is the fatness of the rhyhm section and their grand and sharpish buildups. In the right club with the right crowd this band can really set things going - there's definite potential going on..
But before this can be realised, I feel there's perhaps the need for some fine tuning of the set list order and I also wouldn't mind to hear some effects on the vocal to add that extra robotic edge here and there.
But taken allround, these are a class act with a good pop edge and if I were you, I'd get them on your radar..
So last up was 'The Elixir'..
To be frank, I wasn't totally bought either way on this bunch. I guess the easiest way to describe them would be that they're like Keane with a few more and bigger balls...
Yes boss, it's the same kind of set up. Keyboard driven, heavy melodic rock/pop, but everything was a little stronger than the coke headed popsters we've come to know...
Basically, The Elixir didn't quite grab me and solve all my LIVE dance music problems, but it did have it's merits...
So, there we go. Beat Rock..
Still not quite the LIVE dance answer, but definately a step in the right direction...
 | Currently listening : California Rhinoplasty EP By Matmos Release date: By 07 May, 2001 |
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