Wednesday 14 January 2009

What’s happening on the Island...??

Current mood:SSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!
Category: Life

The in-laws are still here (and will be for another week, 17 hours, 23 minutes and 69 seconds), which combined with xmas, new born Emma and my rampant commercialism has a lot to do with the lack of words...

Yes boss, privacy is in very short supply here in the fort, so I'm storing up essays in my head (or maybe even a nice and SAFE middle class book about the travails of living with ones parents in law who don't speak ones own language...)

Of course, taken at face, that all sounds awful, but it's not a bad lot..

No boss, in the day times, clad in a huge padded down jacket and Diadora deerstalker, Mrs G's father goes out stamping the grounds of the Island armed only with a compass..

He uses the tall buildings as navigable points, and returns with stories of the local slaughterhouse inviting him inside to watch chicken slaughter (at least he thinks they invited him in - but like I say he speaks no English)

I find that going out walking or shopping with Mr G senior, is a little like going out with Crocodile Dundee..

His head is still very much in mountainous rural Italy, and I regularly look back to find him standing and starring intently (and with no disguise) at some anti-social behaviour or another, in a way that Londoners don't tend to do, for fear of getting stabbed...

Yes boss, there he'll be - all solid packed 5' 2" of him - starring the naughty boys out, then turning to me wearing a very serious face and saying


I nod nervously, smile and suggest we walk on...

Mrs G meantime hasn't left the house now for almost 2 weeks, and her mother has only been out for one brief passagata in the same time..

Between them, they're doing most of the day to day baby work, and they like to sleep with the door open
(so I have to type very very quietly)

So, the lack of current vacant headspace here on Fish Island means that rather than getting drunk AND HAMMERING AWAY ETERNAL AND IMPORTANT WRITTEN WORKS!!!! I'm mostly concentrating on building computers, stocking the shop and catching up with reading....

The reading I'm mostly concentrated on, is Tony O'Neills book 'Down and Out On Murder Mile' as sent for review by my one and only publishing friend Laura..

Now, before reading books by bright spunky published things, I often worry...

Yes boss, there's nothing worse than feeling you're right on the brink of setting yourself on the path to greatness, only to come upon some lucky golden child, who makes your words seem like limp daffs in Morrisseys back pocket..

Well, in this case, I'm pleased to say I'm not worried...

No boss, the much vaunted O'Neill is only doing Bukowskiesque writing about a Burroughsesque life...

It's OK, and not uninteresting in its content, but I find his work lacks vital spark, anger, verve and edge - and it's about 30 years late in it's style and subject matter to be anything approaching important.....

When not studying O'Neill, COUCHY COOING!!!! the baby, completely revamping my pazzy spazz profile, or internally screaming at machines, I'm mainly doing sharp business over in the shop area of

Yes boss, the OPENING CLOSING DOWN SALE!!! has started very well indeed (even though the shelves are still barely stocked with a fifteenth of what's to come..!!!)

Today I posted an order to some Parasian Emi employee, who took a big old whack of very cheap high quality art for a remarkably good £77 ...

Yes boss, Emi might themselves be a dead duck floating, but this man clearly knows value and worth when he see's it, and immediately family aside, men and women with both credible Giovan-taste AND money are currently my very best friends....!!))

Until later....


Currently reading:
Down and Out on Murder Mile: A Novel (P.S.)
By Tony O’neill
Release date: 2008-10-28

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