Friday 2 January 2009


Current mood: CHEESE!!!!!
Category: CHEESE!!!!! Life

Since I've gotten this new camera, I've decided it's vital I TAKE IT WITH ME EVERYWHERE!!!!

Yes boss, I've become like a child in the week after Christmas, who ABSOLUTELY INSISTS ON NEVER LEAVING HIS FAVOURITE TOY BEHIND OR ELSE GOES INTO A BLOODY BIG STROP!!!!

Of course I am a large child, but I do think this is the only way to go with cameras - especially when you have a new one that you're feeling out...

Yes boss, when you're after serious shots you need to armed and ready AT ALL TIMES!!!

Good photos come from the most unlikely of places, and if you don't have the machine loaded and ready for action you harbor serious regrets...

Of course, Mrs Giovanni isn't so happy about me traipsing about with a camera around my neck here there and everywhere. But she's known me long enough to understand that criticism of such an idea is unlikely to lead to a change in direction on my part, so she's come to tolerate this....

Well, the other day I was in the corner shop buying travel, and the guy in the shop got very interested in my camera and started asking me to take his picture...

'Come on man!!' he was saying 'Take my picture - the poor shopkeeper...'

Well, I didn't want to start with, but he persisted in asking to the point where I felt I had no choice, so I took his BLOODY PICTURE!!!!!

His brother then started going on about how someone had once taken his picture for a calendar.

He rummaged about underneath the counter and pulled out a small calendar from 2002, and there he was Mr May, posing behind the shops counter with his eyes blacked out and some stupid piece of writing about how he was holding down the shitty day job...

Mr Shopkeeper said he wasn't happy about the text at all, and I didn't think the photo was much either...

Well, today, I was took the camera to the supermarket and exciting cunt that I am, in the next blog I'll tell you the story of what happened there...

Currently listening :
The Waiting
By The Waiting
Release date: 1997-03-11

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