Friday 23 January 2009

The Process Of Weeding Out....

Category: Music

One thing that I try to avoid is getting upset about getting ripped off...

Yes boss, I see getting ripped off as being par for the course when working in any kind of creative field - if you're any good you're gonna be ripped off, and copied, there's no point getting upset about it...

Furthermore, I love unofficial products, bootlegs, copies - the poorer quality the better...

I'm reminded of this through watching this vid

It's about how to light portrait photogrphs, and in it Ken Henderson claims he designed this iconic Queen photo

Now, this image is probably one of the most iconic pop music images of the last 50 years....

Yes boss, it was made into the first pop video of all time, made to accompany one of the most well known pop songs of all time and - if the photogrpaher knew art business - EXTREMELY LUCRATIVE!!!

So, if Ken Henderson did design it (and I believe he might have) and if he could have proved it was his original design and idea, he wouldn't be shuffling reluctant models like Celia around infront of an audience for drinks at the bar, so much as shifting his enormous wedge of cash around various top resorts in the company of Kelly, Katie and Kristi...

But then I get the impression that if Ken really had the wherewithall he could have at least nailed EMI for and out of court settlement - and if he'd really had the drive and ambition he could have nailed himself down as one of the greatest pop photogrpahers of all time on the back of it...!!!

But where's the fun in spending all that time with your lawyers you might ask???

There's none, but it is my understanding that the thing which really separates the creatively 'successful' from the amateurs and the wannabes isn't talent or skill or craftsmanship so much as luck, ruthlessness, and A BURNING AND INSATIABLE AMBITION!!!!

Sure the cool cats like Kurt Cobain, Billy Childish and Charles Bukowski hide it well and even convince their fans they couldn't care less about being famous or successful or known or adored...

But they're lying...

Currently listening:
Live '84 [CASSETTE]
By Black Flag
Release date: 1998-01-20

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