Monday 22 December 2008

Swimming with the fishes....

Current mood: BRRUUUMMMMMM!!!!!!
Category: BRRUUUMMMMMM!!!!!! Life

This afternoon, I ran along to the
Amuti and Aquarium Galleries...

I say ran along - I really mean spun along (and nearly off on one corner) on Mrs Giovannis Piaggio..

Yes boss, I've been out on the Motorscooter again, and if my enthusiasm for this mode of zippy transport continues, I might even get a license!!

So, the main thing of interest betwixt these 2 galleries today was a conversation between
James Cauty & STOT21stCPlanB about what they might do with what's left of the art at the end of their clearnace and closing down sale...

Yes boss,
The Aquarium is closing on December the 23rd at 3pm and until then they're having a FIRE SALE!!!


So, the ideas for disposal of the remaining unsold art included: incineration, and loading it all into a van, then driving it off a cliff...

Both of which are something akin to a crime...


I've been doing my best to make EVERYTHING GO into the PG£ archive as opposed to the furnace!!!

Yes boss, today I picked up a whole bunch of signed
Billy Childish prints, a few more books, a Jimmy Cauty print and some stamps, a coupla woodcut test prints and a proper decent plate which illustrates my last blog perfectly...

(pictures to follow).

The sad truth is however, that I can't buy it all, I'd therefore advise anyone in London with any sense to run along and pick up some bargains QUICK!!! BEFORE THE ARTISTS FUCKING WELL DESTROY IT ALL!!!!

If you can't get there and rummage your way into heaven, don't fear...

No boss, you'll be able to buy what I've bought (at vastly inflated prices) at my opening closing down sale over in the new shop section on

As you'll see form the current stock levels, it's early days in this opening closing down sale, but before long my ENTIRE archive of more than 10,000 items will be available to buy online at (still) wickedly cheap and cheerful prices...

So, having dropped the art home (Mrs Giovanni was for once pleased to see something I'd spent the rent money on - though,
she wasn't so pleased when I admitted the reason I couldn't find the motorbike key this afternoon was because it'd been sat there in the ignition of the bike for more than a week...), I then popped to the Cargo nightclub because some PR mailing list had said there was free food and drinks..

Now, in 2008 I'm not a fan of
Cargo - or for that mater commercial nightclubs in general...

No boss, I've tried really hard to throw myself into a clubbing renaissance this last year or so, but the godsworn truth is that these places now bore me s e n s e l e s s..:

You can't smoke, the drinks have got all fucking fabulous, the glasses are plastic, the toilets are like swamps and boring looking people abound...

In essence the danger and fun has been taken out of the nightclub - or maybe I'm just getting old???

Whatever, tonights shindig was duller than a Wednesday in October, so I only stayed long enough to drink my 2 FREE regulation bottled beers, before repairing back to the fish fort to spend the remaining evening tackling the living room shelves...

Currently listening :
Bruckner: Symphony No. 8
Release date: 2001-11-03

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