Monday 15 December 2008

Shrinking Money....

Current mood: REALITY BITING
Category: REALITY BITING News and Politics

'The story is about a scorpion asking a frog
to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the
scorpion reassures him that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink
and the scorpion would drown as well. The frog then agrees;
nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of
them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, 'I'm a scorpion; it's my

High capitalism (as we know it) seems to be dying, but no-one much wants to recognise what exactly this means, or what comes next...

Here's the rub with the Credit Lunch...

The essential problem, is that, motivated by quick profits and bonuses, the banks have over lent MASSIVELY to stupid cunts like me, who take anything that's dangled in front of them without any serious care as to whether it can be paid back or not..

Eventually this has come home to roost.

The banks have lost money and have now gone into a serious bipolar reverse, deciding they don't want to lend to anyone apart from the heavily secure - i.e the kind of people who don't much need the money anyway...

This means no-one can get a mortgage unless they've got a HUGE deposit and a squeaky clean credit history - and no businesses are getting much credit except at rip off terms and conditions...

This is snaring up the economy and house prices are plummeting - not enough people can buy or sell, and people are loosing their jobs because the banks won't extend their lines of credit...

Everything is therefore frozen - and more and more people are starting to get cold...

So, in order to try and get the banks lending again and restore confidence in the system, the UK. and for that matter. world governments are lowering interest rates and bailing out (of all people) the banks....

The theory is this will stimulate our banking friends into a bout of charitable money lending to all and sundry...

Yes boss, the governments are then thinking that upon receipt of this charitable bank lending, we'll all then spend again like it's 1999 - which will create demand which will create jobs which will create an UPTURN!!!!

But the problem with the solution is this:

The whole start of this shrinkage was caused by people borrowing too much...

So, how can the answer be to MAKE US BORROW MORE?!?!?

Furthermore, this bailout strategy isn't even working as a plan, because the scorpions aren't passing these interest rate savings along - instead they're taking healthy portions of the savings for themselves, so as to repair their balance sheets, buy back the shares they've HAD to sell to the frogs in order to survive, regain their independence AND GET THOSE BONUSES FLOWING AGAIN ASAP!!!!

So, what this boils down to is that the scorpions have made a HUGE FUCKING PACKET!!!

They've then taken that away into their own personal pockets and Bahamanian Bank Accounts, where that money is staying...

Meantime, they've been bailed out by the idiot frogs, and thankless shits that they are, the scorpions now don't want to do anything other than invest in ROCK SOLID!! businesses - of which there are very few..

The scorpions feel absolutely no sense of responsibility or fault - THEY JUST WANT THE GOOD TIMES BACK!!!

And this is the problem we now have - the frogs of the world are treating our scorpion friends like they DO HAVE everyones best interests at heart and CAN'T WAIT to do us all favours - when in fact they couldn't care less......


As they see it, it's not their job - or in their nature - to care about individuals or society. It's their job to make money only - they are profit making companies, not social welfare foundations...

Yes boss, being a scorpion has never (in it's current form) and will never be about anything other than pure selfishness..


Obvious that is, to everyone who's ever dealt with bankers..

So, why is it that the only ones missing the trick are the governments of the world, who are persisting with the idea that bankers main motivation isn't to make BIG MONEY - but to help us all out.....?!?!?

Currently listening :
By Spring Heel Jack
Release date: 2000-07-24

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