Tuesday 2 December 2008

I read a lot of blogs....

Current mood: SAVE THE RICH!!!
Category: SAVE THE RICH!!! Music

and there are few that regularly make me wonder and marvel...

Yes boss, for me a good blog isn't one that's necessarily done regularly, or well written (though it can be both), it's one that springs ideas, weaves top level stories and anecdotes, adds wisdom, with danger and insight and tips as to what and how things are going on...

One blog that does all of the above is Roger Greenawalts

Yes boss, as I've said before, Rogers blog
is essential.

So essential, that when I see a new posting, I cut their IMMEDIATELY!!!

This is my favourite posting...


I suppose I find Rogers words all the more exceptional because his main event is music and not writing....

Yes boss, Roger has produced and worked with all manner of top level acts of all styles including Iggy Pop
, Philip Glass, and The Van Allen Belt...

Well, this December 7th Roger is producing a 10 hour musical event that's well worthy of note...

He's gonna play all 189 of The Beatles original songs, back to back on the Ukulele in aid of the worlds richest man Warren Buffet


Yes boss, when all are fretting about saving themselves or even saving the third world, Roger has clearly identified that the people who really need saving are THE RICH!!!!

They're the ones who really care about money, and so rather than trying to keep it ourselves, we should simply set about handing it over to Warren WITHOUT DELAY!!!!

Guest singers set to perform include The Pierces
, members of The Strokes, Warren Buffets son, and perhaps even Bono via video link...(This is not a joke)

And, you can join the list!!!


So, if you're within singing distance of Spike Hill in Wiliamsburg, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday, Dec 7, 2008, from noon to midnight - be sure to pop along and open your lungs - or at least go SHOUT SCREAM AND APPLAUD!!!!

Currently listening :
Thirteen Tales of Love and Revenge
By The Pierces
Release date: 2007-03-20

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