| Current mood: GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Category: GGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Music
This weeks LIVE London musical agenda is packed with tricky treats...
That said, last weeks was pretty interesting looking - but as is often the case these days, my party panties weren't up to the feasts and I performed badly all week.
My inability to get to gigs more than once a week (in a good week) is a source of worry to the members of the steering committee of The Paul Giovanni Corporation AKA The Futureproof Music Business...
Yes boss, a certain ammount can be written about music and musical matters without ever attending gigs. But seeing LIVE bands is eventually essential to the job and during the steering committee meeting (conducted during last weeks Harry love in) it was noted that the PG£ LIVE hit rate needs to improve in the forthcoming year or all priviledges will be withdrawn forthwith..
Of course age is a factor here, but a bigger factor is that the fun has gone out of the whole affair because the bits of detail I used to enjoy are never certain, are twisted or illegal.
What I'm saying is that I'm simply unable to discipline myself to respect these new stupid and petty rules and bylaws, I therefore find it very hard to go to pubs and clubs unless I'm either certain the venue is liberal, I'm up for a fight or I feel I can control myself and do as I'm told...:
Basically, I had a row on New Years Eve about the party being outside, because of smoking and I swore then I'd stop, because it wasn't fitting for the occasion and it got personal. I've had several other rows with people and or bouncers on these matters and if I go out 4 nights a week, I'll have several more per week and that gets tiring....
I'm past the age where having that kind of conflict consitutes a good and rebelious night out.
Thing is, I'm not so much stubborn, as the author of the book of stubborn. When I say I will or won't do something fundamental, it's set in stone. Therefore if I find a rule to be wrong, I can't simply pay lipservice to it very easily - or at all...
I once spent 53 hours on hungerstrike in a police cell a month before I was 18 because I refused to accept a set of bail conditions.
As a result, the conditions were dropped...
Before they were, I spent those 53 hours chatting in the cell with a bloke called Bob the Big Bad Bear. All the time, I was an inch from a lengthy spell in a Young Offender Institution (not to mention ever more hungry), but at no point was there anyway i was budging over an issue that I felt was the thin end of a nasty old wedge..
With hindsight it was the exact right decision. Had we agreed to those conditions, the game would have been up, but because we kicked out a little, the Police never tried placing those conditions again and I eventually sued the fuzz for £4000 compensation for basic law violations they committed during those 53 hours....
Those were different times and the issues at stake were a lot mor important than lighting up a fag is, but if I felt that folk in the UK today had any rebellious tendencies and would stand up against things like the smoking ban on a basic 'freedom of choice' level, I'd run with it and them and happily start some trouble, but I don't see that happening.
No boss, I think the collective back has been broken here in the UK - people simply have too much to loose to risk loosing it. Folk are being held hostage by their possesions and the cheap threats of a bunch of clever-ass lawyers. No-one really wants to rock the boat and fighting a guaranteed defeat simply isn't a worthwhile use of PG£ time. I can get my row quotient at home, so unless it's going to exercise a change, I don't want to have it in public over stupid little things like wearing caps and or smoking....
I'd therefore rather have a little peace in my life of an evening and stay in where I can pretty much do what i damn well please than go and see bands perform under stupid rules...
 | Currently listening : Silver Apples/Contact By Silver Apples Release date: By 21 October, 1997 | 14:07 - 13 Comments - 8 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove - |
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