Current mood: IT’S TOO BIG....
Category: IT’S TOO BIG.... Music
I was looking for something completely different when I can across the pre-posted vid of David Lynchs viewpoints on the 9/11 documentary Loose Change...
The vid made me think.
It also made me look out and watch the full documentary...
Loose Change is basically a culmination of more or less every conspiracy and unanswered question regarding 9/11. It examines and then re-questions everything that 'happenned'.
It's makers are clearly of the opinion that 9/11 was a US government set up....
When 9/11 happenned, I was living in Prague.
I was at home watching the Tour of Spain bike race at the exact moment of drama, and I remember the commentators mentioning something about a plane crashing in New York.
Much to the chargin of my then girlfriend, I was watching a lot of televised cycling in 2001...

So, not giving too much of a fuck about what might be happening in New York, and being firmly locked into that days racing, I kept with the tour and figured that whatever it was would come to my attention soon enough if it was of any worth....
It was an hour or so after the cycling had finished, that I rememberd the thing about the plane crash, switched the satellite box onto CNN (US version) and like more or less everyone else could barely believe what I was seeing...

Since then, I've not engaged too much with what could and could not have happenned that day. As Mr Lynch says - it's too big, and to get anykind of a knowledgeable opinion you need to know deep science on aeronautics, building construction etc and that kind of shit is way out of my league...
This said, like Mr Lynch, I've always been confused by the Pentagon hit...
That there were countless CCTV camneras covering that moment and that not one image of the plane hitting the Pentagon has ever emerged is extremely odd. Releasing such an image would be the quickest and best way to assure one and all that such a thing happenned - but it's never happenned...
This issue is one of the many aspects of those events that Loose Change examines...
Yes boss, this film is the kind of documentary that is trying to prove a predetermined point rather to engage in an open debate...
And, to be frank, I'm not fully convinced by it.
I often found the pace too quick. It selectively quotes, blinds with science and purports some truly bizarre and incredible ideas, many of which are easy to knock down on an amateur level let alone from any kind of scientific or political angle...
Furthermore, before watching this, I've also seen many documentaries that have gone a long way to convincing me of the US government version, as well as having watched US CNN 16 hours a day on Sept 11, 12 & 13th...

My ultimate conclusion, is that at this stage it all comes down to who and what you believe...
I certainly saw visual images that suggested that 2 planes hit the WTC, I can also believe that the combined force of the fire and the impact of the planes hitting might well have been enough to knock those towers down...
I don't however believe that a plane hit The Pentagon for many reasons - not least that no image has been released of this event happening and that there's no wreckage of a plane in any available images...
I also don't believe that the 4th plane even existed - again, no wreckage...
Having worked in politics and seen the ways and means used to deal with even minor dissenting voices at very close hand, I'm not naive enough to believe that the US government wouldn't do something like that if it felt it necesary to protect and/or increase it's power and wealth.
I'm also not naive enough to believe that The US has no enemies who would take great delight in doing such a thing to The US if they were able to do it....
Therefore, my overall belief with 9/11, is that time will tell.
All empires need to maintain their power, but once that power dissipates, the truth of how they went about building and manitaining it often becomes clear for all to see...  | Currently listening : From the Secret Laboratory By Lee Scratch Perry Release date: By 13 June, 2006 |
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