Current mood: FLOUPY!!
Category: FLOUPY!! Music
So, I was coming back from seeing Scanner, Chris Cutler and Daan Vanderwalle at the Luminaire in Kilburn the other day and in the haze of hometime I picked up a bevy of free magazines to browse on the train home.
The gig had been a strange one.
When at least a third of the crowd is sitting on the floor in a club watching a guy play what appears to be an electric sitar and a woman singing into a Nintendo Wii, you have to worry for whoever washes the sitters clothes...
Yes boss, nightclubs floors are not well known for being clean.
But the seating arrangement did suit the tone of the night..
Yes boss, this was definately the kind of gig you’d imagine The Wire magazine would love. It was intellignet and educated. It was abstract . It was music to sit and listen too..
I’m not so sure where I stand on it.
The Wii folk were interesting and they very efficiently released a CD of the performance by hometime in exchange for you signing onto their mailing list - which was a very fair deal indeed.
The main event that followed was split up into solo sets and collaborations that reflected and built on the works of Stockhausen.
I have to admire the discipline of the performance and the wonder table played by Mr Cutler was truly a sight to behold.
Yes boss, somehow ace percussionist Chris Cutler managed to play a very unique drum kit and effects without you ever hearing much in the way of drum sounds. It was very curious indeed.
Overall I certainly enjoyed the sounds, but left not being sure I’d turn up to see that kind of a show more than once or twice a year.
But like I say, as a night out, it was very pleasant indeed - even though I managed to get told off no fewer than 3 times on the way and way back for smoking (and I wasn’t even in lighting up indoors!!)
Anyway, at the end of the evening, I’m walking down the canal on the last leg back here to the Fish Fort and I’m getting quite excited. My walkman has pulled off a good 3 track shuffle and I’m begining to feel in the kind of form that see’s great PG£ Cultural Achievements like the Capture of the Chairs of Pop Power .
Yes boss, I start to ask myself the following questions:
What can I steal from the local popstars??
Do I need any other artefacts to fully take a hold of the gods of pop???
Are any brave and dubiously romantic gestures required to enforce my superiority as the worlds most reluctant to write about music, music writer?????
I scream a little and jog some intervals. I feel lively and in good shape, but I can’t think of much in the way of grand gestures. I mean I have The Chairs - what else do I need???

(Paul Giovanni £rd bathes in the glow of The Chairs of Pop Power)
However, as I cross over the Old Ford Lock, I do feel the need to at least expunge something from my grasp into the rushing water. I need to FLING AND LAUNCH!!! I look at the free magazines in my hand. I pull out The Fly and hurl it wetwards!!!
I feel good. I feel righteous and satisfied. The bad magazine is in the water and I PG£ am warm and dry. It feels like another good day for me and a bad day for the haters...
That was until today when I realised that the reason I can’t find the free CD of the Nintendo Wii bands performance is because I enclosed it within the cover of the copy of The Fly for safekeeping...
So sadly that disc is now most likely twirling in an eddie somewhere around about Southend Pier, rather than spinning on my cd drive...
Which is a shame, ’cause I wanted to hear it again...
 | Currently listening : The Love Symbol Album By Prince & The New Power Generation Release date: By 13 October, 1992 |
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