Current mood: ROCKING!!!!
Category: ROCKING!!!! Music
Last night I was at a loose end.
The day had passed pretty well - I'd had another good session gambling to take my weekly profits to aroundabout 54%..
To cap things off, I fancied watching a slice of comedy, but with all the comedy accidentally wiped from the hard disc a few weeks back and with the backups still unretrieved from the safe location, I had very little of that kind of japper available..
I browsed the hard drive and tried watching Monty Pythons: The Meaning Of Life & then Midnight Express - but both were in Polish with no subtitles.
I then opted for Diego Corralles Vs Jose Luis Castillo, which I'm reliably informed is one of the finest boxing bouts of recent years - but that turned out to be a German S&M film...
Exasperated and with nothing else remaining apart from the TV, I thought FUCK IT!!! and dived into David Lynchs Inland Empire
Now, I've stayed away from this film up to now for several reasons:
1) It's 3 fucking hours long
2) I always like to have some unseen Lynch in the cupboard for a rainy day
3) I was a little worried I'd hate it..
Well, I tucked in and really enjoyed the first hour.
Contrary to what I was expecting, it did seem to have a narrative structure and Lynch's obsession with faces and awkward human communications always makes me laugh.
The first 'rabbit' scene was also fucking great!!!
Anyway, I was pushing the hour 15 mark, drinking beer and really getting very involved with the wobbly action. Lynch was drawing me right in to his crazy fucking dreamworld - my face was only a few inches from the screen and I was beginning to feel things..
And then the whole fishy flat felt as if it SHOOK..
I sharpened away from the screen and dropped the headphones off.
I could still feel the rummbling - it felt like it was coming through the fucking floor?!?
How the hell had Lynch managed that?!? Shit, I knew he'd been using some clever new technology in the film, but I wasn't sure quite how he could simulate heavy ground movement by way of film?!?
Perhaps something else - but what?? And it fitted so perfectly with that part of the film....
Well, still unknowing as to what may have caused the rumble, I kept watching, but I didn't make it through the whole film - by the 2 hour mark, I was dozing
Today, I woke up, checked the news and found there was an earthquake last night.
Yes boss!! A fucking earthquake trembling in London!!!
Now, I know this is standard la la for some of you, but we never have that kind of shit here - In fact, I've certainly never felt anything approaching an earthquake in the entirety of the UK in my 32 years of residence...
Anyway flimy flim flam wobbling aside...
Tonight, it's all happening in my very favourite locale of London - Camden Town..
Yes boss, we have a double bill of ace bands in The Bullet Bar in Kentish Town.
At 7.30pm we have Clinker playing and then later on, the mighty Colossus will take to the stage, with a whole bunch of other acts sat cutely in the middle...
For more details of the bands and the location, go visit The Colossus page and blogs...
Be there or loose your grip on reality!!!!

 | Currently listening : So Tough By Saint Etienne Release date: By 09 March, 1993 |
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