Current mood: SMUG
Category: SMUG Music
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- "Be careful not to do your ..acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
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- "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
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- But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
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- so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
- Matthew 6:1-4
There’s a plague.
This plague is characterised by so-called celebrities and public figures being seen to do good in order to raise money for charity whilst smiling or putting on strained and desperately genuine pained faces on swannies to Africa and often (co-incidentlly of course) improving both their own public figure and their earning potential...
Uncle Sir Bob Hero Geldof started it with LIVE AID, since when (unless I’m very much mistaken) the world has remained more or less the same old bitch, yet everyone who likes to be SEEN to be doing good gets involved in
charity, because they don’t have any other more creative idea what else to do with their often voluminous spare time...
This last weekend has seen just such a ding dong: Sport Relief weekend.
Sport Relief is basically a big TV HOOPLA ’in aid of’ charity.
The idea is that everyone takes a collective breath of do gooding air, convinces themselves they are ’making a difference’ to the world by dressing up as a chicken to raise money for a host of worthy causes (both here and abroad (so as to include even the folk (and there are many) who HATE the idea of giving THEIR HARD EARNED money to the third world or foreigners of any kind)).
Yes boss, throughout this week - particularly concentrated on the weekend, TV viewers have been bombarded with this self righteous drones taking part in mild physical exercise or spoof versions of famours TV shows, or celebrity boxing matches, (NEXT YEAR: PAUL GIOVANNI £RD VS JONATHON ROSS - I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM!!!!)) or hilarious routines where one TV professional sits and congratulates another on how good they are at their jobs to widespread applause...
Everyone whoops and cheers, 40 or 50 million gets raised (just under a £ per head of population) and on Monday everyone goes back to their jobs of trading in unfair products (I’m presuming all those not marked as being ’fair’ in supermarkets ar in fact unfairly traded?!?), dealing arms, managing and investing the vast profits of this notoriously cheap and mean spirited country, quite sure they have made a very big effort to SAVE THE WORLD AND BRING ABOUT EQUALITY AND EXCITING NEW HOLIDAY DESTINATIONS!!!
Well I don’t buy it...
I mean followers of Christ claim he died on the cross for our sins - to make the world a better place, and if the death of gods one and only son didn’t change a damn thing about human nature, I very much doubt third rate TV celebrities running a couple of miles dressed as a carrot is gonna cut any fundamental major change other than to their ugly little faces...
Yes boss, frankly I find the whole shebang very ugly.
It’s a collective guilt pressure relief valve blasting off that allows folk to ignore the real disparity of wealth, and this valve makes a shrill and wholly unpleasant and rather piercing
So, Sport Relief can lick my balls and semi-professional do gooders can do likewise.
I’m professionally mean and very proud that neither of my hands know what the other is doing, because I simply couldn’t give a monkeys ass as to what anyone else thinks about how I spend my days or what good or bad results might come from my mostly completely selfish actions...
Yes boss, I spend so much time looking at myself in shop windows, to even notice the homeless people anymore and I’m proud of that fact....
KHEKHWHWKPPPWPPWPWPWWWGGGEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW  | Currently listening : Do They Know It's Christmas? By Band Aid 20 Release date: By 25 January, 2005 |
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