Current mood: WOOOOO!!!!
Category: WOOOOO!!!! Music
I was thinking I might have a quiet night...
Yes boss, I was feeling calm, already acomplished and unwilling to plunge the litre bottle of Brandy, 4 cans of beer or box of wine into quick service.
Instead I put on a playlist of Norken, Animal Collective, Amorphous Androgynous & Synetics, drank Cranberry Juice and started reading the autobiography of controversial football legend, pundit and wordsmith Ron Atkinson..
But fucking hell, Animal Collective are a bit fesity aren't they?!
That Strawberry Jam LP is a pretty vicious number in places anyway, and since I saw them play The Astoria I've had this idea they're almost ambient and therefore go well with Cranberry Juice and sobriety - but they don't at all...
So, now I've started, I don't have too much idea as to what I'm saying here other than that Animal Collective drove me to it....
Well, Amy Winehouse is back in Camden for a night or two and todays pictures are of her getting undressed in the back of a taxi...
I'm increasingly of the opinion that this could well be planned hype to sell records. Indeed if I hadn't known it was genuine picture, I'd have believed that piccie of the bag of drugs in the boot of the car was a set up...
A couple of nights previously there was the pics of her holding a jumper over her nose to prevent the previous nights pics of 'a strange white' powder up her nose being repeated - but it's all getting a bit too pantomime to be believeable..
I reckon she's clean and fine, writing songs, having a laugh and selling records...
I started reading the full piece in The NME - the piece that suggests His Highness to be the holder of unpleasant views on immigrants - and to be honest I reckon it's twisted.
Sure he said one or two things, but I reckon he was trying to say
'Look, there are people who think this way and I understand their point...'
I reckon the NME were stalking for a story. I mean have you seen the editor??
He looks like a proper smart young CUNT!! And if you want to know my preference - it's with Morrissey all the way..
Yes boss, I'm impressed Mr M has started stalking The NME with lawsuits. More high quality popstars shold piss in the face of The NME. They do more to dumb down the musical world than any other rag I know of...
Well next week could well be a humdinger - Mrs Mafiosa is off to Italy and I'm staying here to hold the fort.
Of course, I have all these plans for debauched orgies, but I'm increasingly thinking I might be more inclined to sit in and watch a few days cycle racing before heading to Scotland to meet up with my Prepatoré for some heavy training in the mountains...
Before i get that far, I'm doing The Luminaire on Saturday for The Starling Publicity & Shifty Disco Xmas Party/10 Year Anniversary Party...
It'll go one of two ways...
I'll either turn up completely drunk, insult and fight with the NME Vs Art Rocker DJs until removed...
Be very mild, watch them all, plan their destruction, then go and watch the Ricky Hatton VS Floyd Mayweather fight.....
 | Currently listening : Spook Tinsel Shoal By Metamatics Release date: By 12 September, 2000 |
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