Current mood: BACK TO WORK...
Category: BACK TO WORK... Music
Vintage is an annoying word.
For me it conjures up old smelly but pricely fashionable clothes shops on and around Brick Lane E1. You know?? The kind of places that sell flowered headscarves, 3/4 length 70s dresses, and faded adidas tracksuit tops to those with no imagination for dress. People pay top dollario for it...
Which makes me wonder why I'm using the word Vintage to describe a bunch of singles that are mostly good.
I guess it describes them.
Underground Resistance
UR 009
Back in my terrorist days I loved UR because they wore balaclavas and kept their identities secret.
I like this kind of behaviour still and the Red Planet series of 12"s are completely excellent. I can't even begin to communicate the joy I felt when I heard the one that plays from the middle to the outside edge of the record rather than the normal out to in...
This 12" is strong, determined, pulsing, really quite heavy techno with more than a little soul AND no sign of FACES..
The riff in Powers reminds me a lot of Princes Raspberry Parade.
It and everything else on this single is exactly the same kind of powder pop alt.rap that Blackalicious have made their name on. I do like it, but it's a little too inoffensive and polite to get me screaming from the rafters...
DJ Pied Piper and The Masters of Ceremonies
Do you really like it?
You probably, probably hate it
But I really really like it
I think it think it's wicked, wicked wicked!!!
Copasetik Recordings
Flightcrank is Leeroy Thornhill. Leeroy Thornhill was the lanky dancer from The Prodigy.
He was the first to jump ship..
Both Leeroy and Maxim Reality put out solo projects at about the same time. I made a few quid selling the remaindered copies to ardent Prodigy completists..
I bought at 50p and sold on at £3.00
I loved The Prodigy but mostly for the first LP and a bit of the second.
For me, Fat of The Land was a triumph of an over-hyped LIVE show and the marketing department of XL combined with The NME realising they were so far off the pace and spirit of the electronic musical times that they'd better twitch a leg or face the BIG knife ...
But, fair play toThe Prodigy - they worked their bollocks off touring for eons and I always liked Liams personality..
Anyway, Mr Thornhill pulled in Lee 'Scratch' Perry for remixes but as with Maxims E&LP it's still mostly ordinary. The Perry mix is OK and the rest is passable, but don't expect no miracles a genius....
 | Currently listening : They Came from The Stars I Saw Them vs Reality By They Came from the Stars I Saw Them Vs. Reality Release date: By 18 September, 2007 |
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