Current mood: HUMOURED...
Category: HUMOURED... Sports
Racism is a funny potato these days...
Sometimes it's allowed and sometimes it's not. It all depends on your race and the way you go about delivering it...
Yesterday in the build up to tonights big fight between Ricky 'The Hitman' Hatton & 'Pretty Boy' Floyd AKA Floyd 'Money' Mayweather, the black boxer Bernard Hopkins ran into 10 year (white) World Champion Joe Calzaghe in the halls of the MGM Grand Casino in Las Vegas.
These two are due to get in the ring at some point in the near future and the verbal sparring was lively, culmintaing in this...
"I would never let a white boy beat me," Hopkins said five times.
"You can print that. I would never lose to a white person."
Joe Calzaghe laughed...
Now just imagine that the other way about..?!?
But you know what? One of the things I like most about the UK and England specifically is that we simply don't get give a shit about racial or nationalistic slurs directed our way....
Which is good, because such slurs are never ending. Yes boss, I think it's pretty safe to say that England is one of the most hated countries in the world after The US.
The Scottish, Welsh and Irish hate us with a passion. Indeed if had a £ for each time I've heard a Scot make a racial slur against the English I'd be very very fucking rich - let it go why don't you...
The there's Australians and New Zealanders who like the Irish Scots and Welsh love to hate England - particularly in matters of sport...
Jesus, even Kurt 'right on' Cobain couldn't help himself but take a pop at this small yet remarkably handy country...
"I have absolutely no respect for the English people. They make me sick. I thought I'd never say anything racist in my life but those people are the most snooty, cocksure, anal people and they have absolutely no regard for people's emotions. They don't think of other people as humans at all. They're the coldest people I've ever met."
So why don't us English get narked and delicate like so many other countries do when faced with such racism??
Is it because we've got a sense of humour and take these comments on the chin? Is it because we simply don't care about others opinions? Or because we have so much arrogance per head of population these words don't touch nerves?? Maybe we just figure we're due some abuse after our various escapades around the world this last few hundred years..
Love us or hate us, one thing you can be guaranteed about the English is that wherever there's a fight - we're there!!!
ANYTIME and ANYPLACE. Whether it be before during or after a football game, outside the pub at 11.23pm, a war (Any other country in the world: We've got a war going on. Anyone fancy it?? England: HELL YES!) boxing etc etc..
I mean just look at this Hatton VS Mayweather fight.
There's reported to be between 20 and 25,000 British fight fans in Las Vegas. That's 20-25,000 people who reckon it's a good use of a couple of thousand pounds to go to Las Vegas to get bastard drunk and watch two blokes hammer the living shit out of one another in a boxing ring on the otherside of the world...
I mean check out the video clip on this page entitled Mayweather taunts Hatton at weigh in...
The English fans have taken over the town. Where are the American fans singing for their man?? (one of the greatest boxers of all time)
God Save The Queen being roared out in drunken English in Las Vegas?!? It's mental....
And another thing - God Save The Queen?!? Freddie Mercury's dead and the remaining members are about to disgrace themselves by releasing a song without him - So who in the hell are all these folk singing about???
 | Currently listening : Fly Between Falls By ALO (Animal Liberation Orchestra) Release date: By 27 March, 2006 |
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