Current mood: doze...
Category: doze... Music
I'm trying very hard to think of a way to tell a story without really telling it.
It's the kind of story that teenage writer boy dreams are made of - but the contents are a touch inflamatory and need to be twisted to cover my sweaty back.
Furthermore, said story might dash the hard won whole reputation of Paul Giovanni 3rd from any number of angles and this will be ultra bad for my bottom line..
Instead, I should get my lame ass back to covering one of the 4 or 5 gigs I've seen recently..
Like the one on Wednesday night in which Sculpture laid waste to all support acts with incredible ease. They were all gobsmacked and dumbfounded. They didn't know what'd hit them.
Seriously, I've never seen a man or for that matter a woman, PULSE and FEEL like that on stage whilst playing electronic music and quite why there weren't a queue of naked women prostrating themselves at his feet at the gigs conclusion still confuses me...
It was the kind of gig where you see the clear and unmistakeable difference between a pro and the very many wannabe pretenders...
I should also write a record review or two.
I'm due to cover the new Eugene Machine single, the long overdue Baku Llama LP or the 3 disc box set of X-rated Trojan reggae.
On top of all this, I have a heap of fresh vinyl and many many things to say, but it's the end of the year and I feel I've done enough and am in the mood for nothing more than a month long party - to burn my brain to allow a new crop of cells, thoughts and feelings to grow..
Shit, my mind's basically not on the job...
 | Currently listening : Music on a Long Thin Wire By Alvin Lucier Release date: By 01 December, 1992 |
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