Current mood: BOSA NOVA...
Category: BOSA NOVA... Music
Now there was a feature I planned to do every week - The Roundup Of The Hits.
My problem with completing it weekly, was my problem with completing everything - I get quickly and easily bored...
Yes boss, the life of Paul Giovanni IIIrd has been beset with being at places ahead of the game, recieving a shitload of bother for being in the 'wrong' place, getting bored, moving on, then looking back to find the 'wrong' critics making the money out of what I knew to be the future...
Seriously - If I'd have stuck to my radical environmentalism, I could have been seriously rich running some kind of carbon footprint charity by now - either that or in prison....
I think I love the struggle too much...
Anyway, here's a few of this weeks hits to get your short and stickies into...
As always I recommend these to be excellent music, though I don't guarantee any will ever be famous or make you or them any friggin money...
First up is Haco...
Haco play some kind of minimal and delicate touchy feeley thing with minimal glitches and undertainty galore. Shower Alone is an interesting and rather lurking number - expect a lurid picture of me in the shower and this as my profile song someday soon...
Adem is on the same label as The Arctic Monkeys, but don't hold that against him. He plows this kind of neo-folk with electronics thing that has developed itself very nicely this last 10 years. I'm not sure how much I like Adem at present, but I reckon it's worth taking a listen to...
For something altogether more bruising you might like a dose of FlatyDL. Here we're talking jumpy loud drums and BIG bass battering. It's quick and clever and just the sort of thing to get all sweaty too BEFORE having your shower alone...
And lastly, howsabout an older artist of whom I've only just become aware. Yes boss, for anyone who thinks the bitty glitchy music, popularised since the advent of high powered laptops is a new thing, go take yourself an earful of Mr Joao Gilberto.
Not only does his track Samba De Minha Terra demonstarte that he was there first, Mr Gilberto also knows melodies and makes great Bosa dancey numbers work WITH the glitchy sound...
In short, Mr G has the slinky slam lot...
Set the controls for the heart of the Brazil!!!
 | Currently listening : Live in Montreux By João Gilberto Release date: By 25 October, 1990 |
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