Current mood: FRUPPY...
Category: FRUPPY... Music
So, keeping up is a task isn't it???
This time last year - a week before I resurected Paul Giovanni from his 4 year coma - there was so little going on, I was able to spend about 4 hours a day watching cycle racing, 2 hours watching the diggers, and another 3 listening to football phone-ins...
It was a sweet life. My only concerns were questions like: Had I seen the 1994 running of Liege Bastiogne Liege and was the commentator and general loudmouth Alan Green a tosser or a defender of true freedom of speech...??
A year on, I find myself very happy to be snowed under. I'm running a 3 interview and 30 album delay and have more miscellaneous unpaid jobs than Heather Mills McCartney..
Talking of Mills McCartney, I'd like to side with her in this appaling tabloid feeding frenzy concerning her divorce from one of the most smug men on the planet Sir (CALL ME SIR!!!) McCartney
Now to be frank, I couldn't care less what she's done or not done in her marriage or since it. At worst it seems she's married a man for his money and I feel it far more likely that Mr Lovebombed Sir Paul rebounded into her than anything else...
Furthermore people marrying for money and squeezing their ex for every penny happens hundreds of times every fucking day, so why this one so damn important and villifiable is beyond me..
Sure, Mills McCartney might be a rampant celebrity chariateer who's a little too concerned about 'doing good' but the poor woman has been married to one of the most unbearable men on the planet for 6 years and she's come out the other side and been treated like the wicked witch of the east..
Constantly picking on a woman who's got more strength and balls than any of the slimey dull cunts who make their dismal money out of labelling her MUCCA is pure WRONG...
And this is apparently the best journalism the UK can buy...
Yes boss, for a shitrag like The Sun to be critiquing a woman for taking her clothes off and whoring it about is about is as rank as last years drains. I mean I thought that was the raison d'etre of The Sun - since when have they been the coy moral guardians of the British Isles...??
And another thing..
I'd like to see some of these shit heaps who spend their days thinking of unimaginative ways to blackball Mills McCartney deal with having their leg ripped off in a fucking car crash....
Whatever her flaws, that woman's got strength and most journalists are just chickeshits with more failed marriages, cowardice and money grabbing tendencies than 300 Anna Nicole Smiths..
As for Sir Paul, I wish he'd grow some balls and help his ex-wife out a little rather than being all silent and pompous. I guess it's hard for him to break the habbit of a fucking lifetime, but he should speak out of turn a little if only for his daughters sake..
Anyway, this blog is supposed to be about something else, but Mrs Giovanni is bothering me to go and see the fireworks light up the sky, so it'll have to wait....
 | Currently listening : Can You Feel the Love Release date: By 14 August, 2007 |
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