Current mood: faux creepy..
Category: faux creepy.. Music
So, back to the piece I should have written yesterday..
Mmmmm, a way in, a way in.....
When I moved to London, I spent a good portion of every week in record shops.
So compulsive did my acquisitive nature become, that I was forced to set up a record selling business to justify my spending. It was called and there + ebay, I located a big list of everything for sale and this allowed me (in my minds eye at least) to spend hours in record shops scouring basements for quality that i would then copy and sell...
That I was actually running this as a proper business was one of my best self delusions to date. Indeed so sure of it was I, that I managed to convince myself I didn't need a job for months and could dedicate my day to writing the nuclear book and shopping for records...
It was great!!!
But it didn't last.
Indeed, though the whole gig paid for a mighty fine record collection, it didn't come close to paying the rent (credit cards did) and after I was turned down by shrewd business advisors for £40,000s worth of start up money for a record shop on Brick Lane because it 'wouldn't work' (thank god (though Rough Trade seem to disagree - mind you Rough Trade go bankrupt for fun)) I sacked myself as Chief Exec and didn't set foot in another record shop for about 18 months...
Now, given that the whole music acquisition culture has since changed to downloading, I feel glad I got out of the business then. And since the 18 months of NEVER going into record shops, I've scarcely been near them except to pick up free mags like One Week To Live and Stool Pigeon..
However a few weeks back I nipped in to some of my favourite former haunts on the way back from the lab, and therein alongside a few other scarce gems, I came across a record called Walter & Sabrina Play Pop Walter and Sabrina Play Classical. I had no idea who Walter & Sabrina were, but I liked the artwork and the collector in me also liked that it was a signed copy and that it was a single quid...
So, two weeks later, I got around to playing this LP and was amazed by it.
I was so amazed, I played it three times on the bounce and messaged my Official Artist to inform her it was one of the best records I'd heard all year.
As with all good music, I can't easily describe it. It's a wierd and minimal effort. The first half is POPPY and the second half CLASSICAL and it has the kind of X Factor of cleverness and originality that I go for. There's good long grooves, strange instrumentation, a willful disregard for any kind of compromise etc..
I'd strongly recommend it to all..
So, as per usual, all that's above is mostly irrelevant to the title - here comes the meat..
Last Saturday, I was out and about with my American friends from Piratepods. We were having a tourist day and after seeing more tourist sites (including the Peregrine Falcon atop the Tate) than is strictly healthy, we headed over to The Foundry on the recommendation of Mr Jupiter..
The Foundry is a curious place.
Part owned by Bill Drummond formerly of The KLF, it's one of the more interesting bars in London. It looks and feel like a squat, there's no bouncers, no dumbass NO CAPS rules, it's full of graffiti and freaked out TVs and it's the one place you can be guaranteed to get interesting conversation everytime..
So, we got there and immendiately went down to the basement wherein a band were playing. They had a large xylophone, a violin, drums and I think guitar or bass..
We stood and listened, catching a blast of about 10 or 15 miuntes, then they finished. I had no idea who the hell they were but I liked them...
Well it turned out that they were Walter & Sabrina in fact the whole night was being curated by Walter & Sabrina
This freaked me out. The LP I'd got into was 13 years old, I didn't even know they were London based (maybe they're not) but there they were playing accidentally and unexpectedly LIVE...
But we weren't done with the wierd coincidences.
An hour or so later, someone grabbed my arm and said Are you Paul?
It was T-Toe, one of my favourite electronic producers of the moment - the guy who plays trombone on top of frantic and soul beats. He recognised me from myspazz, even though I wasn't there on official Giovanni business, or dressed as a woman or ice cream...?!?
So that was last Saturday...
Yesterday I stayed in, drank a vatt of beer, watched football, partook of no wierd conincidences and fell asleep on the sofa...
Variety is the spice of life...
 | Currently listening : Benefist By Ace of Clubs Release date: By 10 July, 2007 |
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