Current mood: MONEY MUMMY MONEY....
Category: MONEY MUMMY MONEY.... Music
The Financial Times are hard here at Fort Giovanna...
Yes boss, the last of my last medical trial cash has been blown and I once again find myself to be badly short of £££££££££££
Liquidity has become SO short and stodgey, I’ve set up a new ebay account in order to loosen some of the possesion ties that bind me into thinking a piece of chewing gum is a treat worth celebrating!!!
I used to love ebay..
Inbetween 1999 and 2003 I was running a pretty cd and vinyl retailing operation that revolved around my buying tonnes of music misplaced into bargain basements, copying it to mp3, keeping some of the premium original cuts and then re-selling the rest on at a profit...
It was a tidy racket and one that expanded my musical horizons like nothing and no-one else has ever done...
So good was it, that MP3s not existing and blowing the whole damn trick, I’d have still been at it....
Anyway, the only way forward at such a time of financial turmoil as now is to get creative..
Yes boss, the one and only good thing about being terminally short of cash is that you have to start making your own fun and I’m absolutely and completely certain that I’ve had most of the very best times when I’ve had absolutely nothing to go on...
At such times you find yourself thinking
You take risks, you travel, you loose all sense of having anything to loose and just enjoy every last little thing with so much greater depth and power...
So here’s a plan...
If any of you who have spare cash laying around and find yourselves wanting to experience the true joy of complete financial burnout, simply paypal all your cash and worldly goods over to me Paul Giovanni £rd at and you too can enjoy the freedom and pleasure of being completely fucking skint!!!
Jesus would have done it and so should you!!!
So that’s
 | Currently listening : Shake Your Money Maker By The Black Crowes Release date: By 13 November, 2007 |
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