Current mood: TIME MOVES SO SLOWLY BY...
Category: TIME MOVES SO SLOWLY BY... Music
why so few free review cds and records plop through my fishy little letterbox..
I mean here I am, one of the leading music writers of any era and fewer than a cats handful of free discs have arrived on the island all year?!?
It’s wierd...
I mean you’d think such a classy gentleman as PG£, who’s more than accurate at picking out HIGH quality music for his loyal, loving and ever growing readership, would be completely inundated with free gifts and hefty bribes to such a degree he’d have to employ a fleet of specially trained dogs to open and then stack the envelopes...
But no so...
Well, I guess the part of the reason for this, is that I’m utterly crap at reviewing things as per RELEASE DATES, and there’s nothing record company folk like more than to have things done ON TIME AND IN LINE WITH THEIR CAMPAIGN!!!
Now, I can see the thinking with this, but it’s never really made much sense to my view of how music really works..
I mean if you’re trying to promote something, a stary eyed review popping up weeks, months or years after all the others have been forgotten, can only be a good thing.
If it’s written well, the least such a review can do is to shift one or two of the unsold copies that are cluttering the distributors and the best it can achieve is to affirm and further enhance an acts growing reputation..
But I’ve found that if you don’t mention something you’ve recieved gratis, QUICK SHARP SMART, you soon get deleted off the list and forgotten. Yes boss, the business end of things, is all about time and immediacy, and I find that to be a shame because good music is all about timelessness...
This short termist outlook perhaps illustrates the reason why the music business and music press turns up so many duds and why music writers are most normally awful at saying anything even slightly interesting....
The whole game works on 78rpm.
Reviewers are given a CD and expected to know whether it’s good or not inside a few weeks or even days. There’s very little time for reflection, research or comparrison, and precious little time for any kind of a creative response or the kind of pot brewing that makes for good quality wordsmithing...
Of course sometimes, it’s very possible to hear and see something immediately as being superb and write about it straightaway because you’re so goddamn inspired by it!!! But more often than not, the muscial taste of the day is decided on chitter chatter and ’OOh look they’ve said it’s good, so I’d better say the same!!’ and before you know what’s happening, Snow Patrol are selling millions of soon to be charity shop CDs...
But surely the best thing about quality music is that it’s timeless - that it always sounds fresh and new no matter what date it spins on the deck...
You can listen to a Sun Ra record now and if you like that kind of thing, it’ll blow your mind just as well, if not better, than the day it was made...
And that timeless longevity is surely what the essence of quality music is all about...
 | Currently listening : Space Is the Place By Sun Ra and His Astro Intergalactic Infinity Arkestra Release date: By 10 March, 1998 |
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