Current mood: THINKING TOO MUCH...
Category: THINKING TOO MUCH... Writing and Poetry
is that the bad guys read it and copy the ficticious bad guys detail...
This is how it works..
Everything, whether it be the invention of the police state or the wheel, starts with an idea or a vision that exists in the collective conscious.
Futuristic fiction writers such as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and J G Ballard see these ideas and visions and they write them down because they have to and because they are writers.
They then sell copies of these ideas to anyone who wants them...
Real life folk who work in the media, policing, politics and 'intelligence' who love the idea of control but would have never thought of the detail of how, then read these books, see the vision that is merely a money making fantasy for the writer, and start to think about how to appropriate the writers ideas into their real life plans for control.
I'm willing to bet that nearly everyone who works in 'intelligence' the world over has read Brave New World & 1984 and made a few notes - or at least a far greater percentage have than have the worlds sheet metal workers.
And now you can see the influence of these books on REAL society...
The 'Soma drug' from Brave New World is the entire world of modern Prescription Drugs - in particular, this idea that there's a pill from every perceieved weakness or 'abnormal' human character trait that's started in the US and is now spreading over here..
Then you've got the surveillance society of the UK - where there's a camera on every street corner, together with the ideas swimming about involving biometric ID cards and 56 questions before you can board a flight as from 2009.
And then there's the popular TV series Big Brother - a more or less direct copy of Orwell in ficiticious miniature, that does in fact control alot of peoples lives in the UK...
I mean, is it seriously a coincidence that George Orwell was English and that England is the most surveiled in the world which becomes obsessed at least once a year by a crappy reality TV program called Big Brother??
I doubt it...!!!
Therefore, I, Paul Pious James Giovanni £rd, would like to propose that George Orwell isn't a great and intellignet literary rebel as was originally thought, but is in fact the architect of the current sorry and obedient state of the UK AND crap reality TV.
Orwell should therefore be dug up, held to account and put in the Big Brother House for all to see as an example and lesson to all, that once you put an idea out there - ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN...
Whadaya reckon??? (JESUS!!! See what happens when I don't drink for a few days - GIVE ME BACK MY SOMA!!!!)
 | Currently listening : Emotional By Trabant Release date: By 01 May, 2006 |
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